Odeon Cinema Newport

posted by sheppard3 on March 6, 2007 at 12:35 pm

NEWPORT, WALES, UK — The Odeon Cinema, which is officially owned by the NCLA (Newport City Live Arena) is currently being leased to Newport City Church, of which I am a member. This facility, wonderful as it is, is showing substantial decay. The roof is leaking in many areas and the building has no heating.

It would be such a shame for this wonderful building to be sold to developers to make flats, when there are other possible uses for it. Members of the local community (including myself) would like it to become a centre for community education, arts, charity and programs for kids. A building this size needs some type of funding or enterprise to be able to pay for utilities and maintainence alone, of which the church does not have.

Can someone help us preserve and possibly save this building from developers, and make it a centre the community is in much need of?

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Comments (1)

floridachalet on March 6, 2007 at 4:01 pm

contact us at
and let us know what we would need to do to reopen as a arts a film theater again thank you

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