3 Classic Films at Loew’s Jersey in Jersey City, Feb. 23 and Feb. 24, 2007

posted by friendsoftheloews on February 16, 2007 at 4:35 am

Movies …
By Popular Demand
February 23 & 24 at the Loew’s Jersey Theatre
54 Journal Square, Jersey City, NJ 07306

Last season (2005-2006), the Landmark Loew’s Jersey invited each of its patrons to name the ONE movie they would die to see on our big screen. This month, we will present the 3 most popular responses that are available for booking:

Back to the Future Friday, February 23 at 8PM
Starring Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Crispin Glover and Lea Thompson (1985, 118mins., Color, Universal, Rated PG) Asking the question, “What might happen if a teenager from the 1980s traveled back in time and saw his hometown and met his parents when they were teenagers in the 1950s?,” the surprise hit film cemented Michael J. Fox’s reputation as a major star, and successfully blended sci-fi, comedy adventure with just enough sentiment to make it a modern classic.

Gone With The Wind Saturday, February 24 at 2PM
Starring Vivien Leigh, Clark Gable, Leslie Howard, Olivia de Havilland, Hattie McDaniel (1939, 222mins., Color, Selznick/MGM, Rated G upon re-release) Based on Margaret Mitchell’s best-selling book, Gone With The Wind defined epic film and tells the story of a spoiled Southern girl’s impossible love for a married man, set against the sweeping backdrop of the American Civil War. The movie made Vivien Leigh a star, is arguably the most famous movie ever made, and remains one of the all-time highest grossing films. Winner of the Academy Award for Best Picture.

Casablanca Saturday, February 24 at 8PM
Starring Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman, Paul Henreid, Claude Rains, Conrad Veidt. Directed by Michael Cortiz (1942, 102mins, B&W, Warner Bros, Not rated, but suitable for all audiences.) Bogart plays a cynical expatriate American who, in the early years of WWII, has to confront his past in the person of Ingrid Bergman, deal with the frightening presence of Nazi Germany on the march, and contemplate the future, “his and the world’s” all from his nightclub in Vichy-controlled Casablanca. Considered by many to be, overall, the best American movie ever made, Casablanca is, at the very least, an outstanding example of effective storytelling on film seamlessly blending romance, suspense, humor and patriotic drama to create full bodied characters, gripping suspense, and a narrative that has become a part of popular culture, all in under two hours. Winner of the Academy Award for Best Picture.

Each screening is $6 for adults, $4 for seniors & children 12 years old and younger. Combo discounts for two or more screenings are available.

The Landmark Loew’s Jersey Theatre is one of America’s grandest surviving Movie Palaces, and now operates as a non-profit arts center. The Loew’s screens movies on our 50 ft wide x 25 ft high screen, using carbon arc illumination for the brightest, whitest light. We run reel-to-reel, not platter, which often allows us to screen an archival or studio vault print that is the best available copy of a movie title.

The Loew’s Jersey, located at 54 Journal Square, Jersey City, is directly across JFK Boulevard from the JSQ PATH Center, is minutes from the N.J. Turnpike and is easily reached by car or mass transit from throughout the Metro Area.

Half-price off-street parking is available in Square Ramp Garage adjoining the Loew’s. Patrons present a coupon to garage attendant when they leave. Coupon is available at our box office.

For directions or more information, call (201) 798-6055 or visit the Lowe’s Jersey Website.

Classic Film Weekends are presented by Friends of the Loew’s, Inc., which operates the Loew’s Jersey as a not-for-profit arts center.

Press inquiries call Colin Egan at (201) 798-6055 or beeper (201) 219-4334 or via email at loewsjersey@gmail.com.

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