Parent company of Technicolor Digital to install more digital systems at theaters worldwide

posted by moviebuff82 on December 10, 2007 at 9:54 am

Thomson has agreed to install digital projectors in a number of major theater chains around the world. This includes Clearview Cinemas here in NJ, although this story is not as big as the IMAX/AMC deal.

Thomson intends to complete the first phase rollout of digital projection systems in up to 5,000 screens over the next three to four years, with 15,000 screens in the United States and Canada over the next 10 years.

All hardware and software placed in each site will conform to industry-standard specifications published by Digital Cinema Initiatives LLC (DCI). Furthermore, the Technicolor Digital Cinema plan is technology agnostic, enabling both exhibitors and studios to benefit from the best available technology, including both 2K and 4K projection.

Read the full story in Business Wire.

Comments (15)

JodarMovieFan on December 10, 2007 at 11:37 am

While, I’m with the exhibitors to try and improve the movie going experience, I’m not so sure about retrofitting existing auditoriums for this IMAX 3D format. What makes IMAX special to me and, I’m sure for most others, is the enormous multi-story screen size. I don’t see how retrofitting an existing auditorium, or even combining, say two big ones to make an IMAX auditorium a true IMAX experience.

Now, the new Tysons Corner 16 plex in VA has some enormous screens..maybe it might work but its not the IMAX I know and appreciate on the level of say the Smithsonians.

On the other hand, the idea of large screen exhibition brings back the argument of the return to 70mm. Why not just bring that format back with a next gen high definition sound system?

JodarMovieFan on December 10, 2007 at 11:37 am

Oops, posted comment in wrong story. :)

moviebuff82 on December 10, 2007 at 1:41 pm

Wrong story is right. Hopefully digital projection would come to the Mansfield complex, which is one of the three most popular Clearviews in the tri-state area that would benefit from the deal. Other theaters that could benefit include those that have 10 screens or more.

KramSacul on December 10, 2007 at 6:09 pm

Whatever they do I hope they bring back the Technicolor Digital trailer, just change the powered by Qualcom text to Thomson.

Giles on December 11, 2007 at 9:05 am

I just find it odd that the rollout is non-existent with certain chains – Consolidated Theatres seems really to ignore the digital projection trend. In the DC area, National Amusement’s is the only theatre to feature 6 DLP units. Regal or AMC for that matter have installed 3D DLP units at varying theatres, but the move to upgrade a few more auditoriums in non-3D form hasn’t happened. Until Muvico retrofits the Egyptian (and the supposed future DC theatre) – the ability to see films in digital projection is very limited.

Giles on December 11, 2007 at 9:09 am

sorry that’s National Amusement’s Cinema De Lux’s multiplex with the six systems (one of which is a 3D unit)

JodarMovieFan on December 11, 2007 at 10:21 am

Giles, I emailed Consolidated and they claim their newer plexes are wired for Digital should they go that route, but like you’ve said, they’re behind the times.

I enjoy the Fairfax cinema deLux now and have seen DP movies there. I thought they had 7 units, including the 3D one? Regal seems to be doing one per plex in this market, too.

It seems just about every other plex (AMC, Regal, Nat'l Amusements, BowTie, Muvico) in the DC area has DP in at least one auditorium. I say thats an improvement from two years ago when it was just Annapolis Mall and the AFI.

Giles on December 11, 2007 at 10:39 am

I thought it was seven as well, but the other day it seemed like there were only 6 systems, the number for some odd reason seems to change. As for DLP at Cinema De Lux' the unit on Screen 8 has alot of bugs (the theatre just right of the concession stand) – “30 Days of Night” had audio problems and the power cut off at least twice, “The Golden Compass” last Friday had a brightness flicker that was through the entire film and the prefilm trailers. It’s one of the largest DLP equipped screens in the area, I just wish they’d get it up snuff.

the problem though is that usually that one DP unit in said one auditorium is a 3D one, thus I have to run over to Cinema De Lux to see say something like ‘Across the Universe’ ‘3:10 to Yuma" in DLP, it’s going to be interesting when IMAX’s digital systems debut at the area AMC theatres how competitive and distribution works out – two 3D screens one IMAX one not playing the same movie seems a tad redundant.

Giles on December 11, 2007 at 10:41 am

sadly the AFI doesn’t really feature much in DLP at all – since they move around movies in the three theatres at a heartbeat.

Michael Furlinger
Michael Furlinger on December 11, 2007 at 11:37 pm

The grapevine is that Regal is looking at CONSOLIDATED so that could be why you see no movement from them on digital.

Giles on December 12, 2007 at 8:49 am

sad really, since I make an effort to trek on over to Cinema De Lux to see a feature in Digital projection – a loss to Regal, and Consolidated for that matter, since the two are more accesible on Metro. I’m surprised that Landmark hasn’t pony'ed up the cash and time to convert one of the theatres at their cashcow location – Bethesda Row, since their newest theatre in Baltimore East Harbour has digital projection (a Sony 4K LCoS system).

bobc007 on January 1, 2008 at 9:12 am

Here in Myrtle Beach, SC we have 55 screens (including an IMAX 3D) Carmike owns 28 of those screens and everyone of them is using DLP projection all the time. The picture quality is terrific. And hats off to Carmike for being the only chain in Myrtle Beach to have each auditorium set up so their Cinemascope picture is wider than their flat picture, just like it was intended to be. Their aspect ratios are correct too.

moviebuff82 on November 22, 2008 at 12:06 pm

With the release of Bolt, Clearview has nearly all of its busiest theaters equipped with DLP. That will increase with future releases.

Giles on November 24, 2008 at 8:41 am

getting back to a comment I made nearly a year ago, and since Regal has since merged with Consolidated Theatres, I would have thought Regal would have at least added a digital screen to the Silver Spring cineplex for the release of ‘Bolt’. AMC is also slagging as well, no new DLP/3D units in their DC area theatres.

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