Twin Cities Picture Show
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November 15, 2007 at 7:40 am
Minnesota Historical Society Press has just published my new book, Twin Cities Picture Show: A Century of Moviegoing. There’s plenty here to satisfy classic theater buffs (including “Feature Presentation” profiles of 29 significant show houses, and a comprehensive appendix listing every movie theater that’s ever operated in Minneapolis and St. Paul), but it’s more than theater nostalgia. It’s a history of American moviegoing as experienced by the people of one of Middle America’s great metropolitan areas. Available through all the big online merchants as well as MHS Press:
Enjoy the show!
Dave Kenney
Comments (2)
Got the book a couple of months ago from Amazon. Book is very well written & I recommend it.
There is also a book on movie theaters in Houston that just came out as well. I got that through Amazon & it arrived yesterday.
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