Drive-In Theatre fanzine News
Well, drive-in fans, it’s been a year of fun as the Drive-In Theatre Alliance (DITA) enters it’s second year with it’s 8th issue of Sprocket Sounds. Our newest issue spotlights the Blair Line Company, makers of model RR buildings, including a DRIVE-IN THEATRE kit.
Want to learn what’s behind that kit’s history? Subscribe to “Sprocket Sounds!” Send $15 for a year’s worth (6 bi-monthly issues) of focus on drive-in theatres to: Justin West, 14 SE 1st Street, Galva, IL 61434.
Besides regular musings from ultrafan EvilSam Graham and Tech Tips from master projectionist/booth tech Tim Reed, topics tackled over the past year included:
UDITOA events
Technalight examined in detail
Drive-in discussion groups
a drive-in artist
the history of Selby Screentowers
a fan’s 16mm backyard drive-in
occasional SoCalDIMS updates
We look forward to more in depth reports that will interest both fans and operators of drive-in theatres! The first 7 issues are still available as back issues. If you are new to join and want the complete set, add $15.
Comments (3)
Do you have a web site. rg
I don’t think it gets any updates though.
Yes, Ken is correct…on both accounts. Granted it’s the digital/internet age but in this case, our focus has been on the drive-in related news and newsletter publication. Thanks for asking, though.
Fans have been looking for an outlet and a source since the DITFC dissolved some years back…we are attempting to fill that gap, spreading the word…but we also aim some material of interest to theatre owners/operators as well. We try to make business and technical details of theatre operations more palatable to fans: something they don’t get anywhere else (short of talking with and being with theatre owners). The same goes for theatre owners reading about what attracts the public to ozoners. This publication offers something for both segments…and hopefully, resulting in an understanding to mutually benefit both sides!