Chalet Theaters needs one more!
posted by
August 25, 2006 at 12:38 pm
Chalet Theaters LLC announced today that because of the many people that visit Cinema Treasures, we have found and rented 4 theaters here!. That’s great news!.
We are looking for one more special theater! If you have one that is old and in need of restoration be it a art deco or a drive-in, Contact us: .
We are really looking for a small town theater that has closed up and the town wants one again. We love redoing older theaters and need your help!
If you assist us in finding the special theater we will even award the town with free movies!
Thanks to all of Cinema Treasures and the people that come here!
Comments (19)
What and where are these four theatres?
TX and AZ
I mean, the names and towns of these theatres. I’d like to look at their pages here at CinemaTreasures.
You will need to go to Cinema tours
Fallfurious TX Brownsfield TX
Uma AZ
Roswell NM
Three of which are being remodeled Rialto, Texan Taos Twin
Let’s forget for a moment that I am having trouble finding these entries on Cinematour. If you found the theatres on Cinema Treasures why can’t we view any of them on Cinema Treasures?
I do not know why you cant seem to find these, if you look under TEXAS and then under the F as in FRANK you would find it, but i seem to be having problems telling you how to, might you need more help from a older person that can point it out?
It would seem Life, your back to the same things you did with The Lawford people in Havana IL i do remember who you are now, if people go to the Lawford, they will find Lifes To Shorts MANY posts and none of them good, as i see he is doing here also
Perhaps I am having trouble. Perhaps I do need the help of someone older. Why don’t you help me by posting links to the theatre pages on Cinematour?
You gave Paul Warshauer as much trouble on the Lawford site as I did, and for good reason.
It is a simple question. Where are your theatres? Name, address, phone number.
Again IF you were to go to the site, click on TEXAS and under F FA to be exact you would find it under FALLFURIOUS TX then if you go under BROWNSFIELD you wil find the Rialto, and the other twin screen we just aqauired, as far as Paul he is still doing what he did, i fact we are looking at a theater he tried to do, the same thing with those people in town in Ohio that he did he Havana,
The reason I had trouble is that putting Fallfurious or Brownsfield into the Cinematour search function yields no results. There is a Rialto in Brownfield (no s). There are some theatres listed in Falfurrias (similar to your spelling, but not the same), although I don’t see Texan, Taos or Twin. Are any of these your theatres?
If you could just post links to pages for your theatres (either at CinemaTour or CinemaTreasures) that would be much easier for all of us.
My photograph of the RIALTO in Brownfield View link and
the ALAMEDA in Falfurrias View link
My photograph of the PIONEER in Falfurrias www.flickr.com/photos/lastpictureshow/196326318/
I don’t personally see how any comments left under my screen name as part of the discussion above paint a negative image of Chalet Theatres. But, a representative of Chalet Theatres tells me that he feels the comments above do paint a negative image.
As of this date I assume Chalet Theatres to be a law-abiding and ethical organization, and the comments above are not meant to lead the Cinema Treasures community to think badly of Chalet Theatres in any way.
“ Life’s too short” is also Chalet aka sctheater llc, Robert Brannan
is supposedly the CEO. Pleaenote he does not devulge Any info regarding his locations, website etc
Not only are you really ‘off base’ you skills is very lacking, i see you have nothing better to do except make a fool of yourself, take care
Hi, I am a preservationist who is seeking parties that would be interested in an early 20th century Thomas Lamb theater in NY, which is currently endangered. It may be available for lease or sale. Please contact me at your earliest convenience for more information. Timing is crucial!