Old Russellville Theatre seeks marquee

posted by Darny on July 11, 2006 at 1:27 pm

The old Russellville Theatre has been closed for the last 30 years and now Main Street Russellville is trying desperately to raise monies to the restore the theatre into an art deco multi-purpose facility.

Here’s what I need from all of you theatre buffs — is there a closed theatre that you know of that has a marquee that could possibly be purchased and transported to be used on another theatre? Previous owners destroyed the marquee. The theatre is now owned by the city and has been placed on our hands to preserve it and bring it back to life.

Thanks for your help.

S. Darlene Gooch
Main Street Russellville – Director

Comments (5)

devco on July 11, 2006 at 5:22 pm

darlene first of all you need pictures of the old marquee to see what size it was orignally.then call the local sign companys they have probally worked on it one time or another, and may have a picture of it in their files they may have taken the damaged on down and is now on their back lot.who knows but they might have taken to the dump .what does the picture say.
good luck devco

ggates on July 11, 2006 at 6:16 pm

You might want to consider Wagner Sign Company. Here’s a link to their site http://www.wagnersign.com/ The cost of dismantling an existing sign from another area, and transport, might be more than the cost of a professionally designed new one. (My guess, about $45,000, let me know if my guestimate is way off)

RayKaufman on July 12, 2006 at 12:51 am

Guesstimate way off or not, the bottom line is that most marquees are specific to each theatre, both in measurement and more importantly, its weight. A large sign company needs to be called in first to evaluate and recommend. Hopefully, old photos can be found to at least see what existed from a structual standpoint anyway. It’s not a run-of-the-mill smallish task. As above, good luck and do let us know what was learned.

EvanC on July 12, 2006 at 10:19 am

Many sign companies can replicate old fashioned marquees nowadays—with satisfying results. A reproduction of an old-time marquee will last much longer and be attractive—if someone is involved with designing it who knows what they looked like originally. Try Theatre Historical Society for input. www.historictheatres.org

NativeForestHiller on July 17, 2006 at 2:11 am

I recommend ArtKraft Strauss, a company that has been in operation for nearly a century, and produced marquees & illuminated signs for many noteworthy theaters. Please follow: www.artkraft.com

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