Franklin Cinema to close?

posted by Patrick Crowley on June 8, 2006 at 2:04 pm

According to today’s issue of the Tennesean, the historic Franklin Cinema may close by end of the year.

Franklin Cinema building owner Mark Bloom says rising building values and increased property taxes could keep theater owners Joe Bankemper and David Temple from renegotiating their contract on the Main Street movie house when it expires in December.

“As of December, Franklin Cinema will probably be no more,” Bloom said. “I have talked to the cinema operators, and they do not feel it’s economically feasible to move forward in operating based on escalating rents.”

Bankemper and Temple say they’d like to continue operating the 70-year-old, two-screen theater, but can’t pay any more in rent.

Also, Cinema Treasures was contacted for this story… and Ross has a nice quote at the end, reminding people why it’s important to save theaters like the Franklin.

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Comments (1)

James Colburn
James Colburn on June 16, 2006 at 10:39 am

If you saw all the huge homes and new construction(Waste) in that area you would flip. The town of Franklin Tennessee reminds me of the set for Back to the Future.
There has got to be some way of cutting the theatre owners some slack. That is a great theatre and there are many stars in the area.
Besides that i know for certain there are Billionaires who live near this theatre. Too many to list here but just know its the best of the Nashville Music industry. Could one step in for the good of the Theatre? Maybe that is a perfect world or the movies!
Save this Theatre!

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