Submit your poll ideas!

posted by Patrick Crowley on June 5, 2006 at 6:10 am

Hey, everybody!

We’ve run out of ideas for the Cinema Treasures poll, so the poll is on hiatus until we can think of more questions.

If you have any fresh ideas, please submit them here. Just to save time, we don’t need any more polls that ask…

• What is your favorite star/film of all-time?
• How many movies have you seen this month/summer/year?
• About anything to do with Star Wars

Thanks for your help!

Comments (3)

Jim Vecchio
Jim Vecchio on June 6, 2006 at 2:27 am

I posted a comment yesterday, but I think it may not have gone through. I just wanted to say, very simply, that before we suggest further poll questions, the main question that needs to be answered should be: Just why do you want to see the poll continue? (If the responses are to your likeing, then continue it!)

Patrick Crowley
Patrick Crowley on June 6, 2006 at 7:13 am

The poll usually provokes some pretty interesting discussion, and it’s fun to see what people think about the various questions.

We’ve already gotten some great submissions… keep them coming!

jvasilatos on June 13, 2006 at 10:33 pm

I am wondering if there is an audience for a movie about old movie palaces and people involved in an adventure saving one. It would help me gauge if there is an audience for such a film since I wrote a script and would love to be able to pitch it to investors with some proof there is an audience for it… and based on the size of this community and how much nostalgia I believe there is, I think it would be well received.

Thanks guys-

Jerry Vasilatos

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