Who owns the Hillsboro 8?
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May 3, 2006 at 6:32 am
TAMPA, FL — Anyone know who is re-developing the once Beautiful Carmike Hillsboro 8? It was retro-fitted in 99 to stadium, and features beautiful marble floors. It has been closed since the bankruptcy in 2000. They claimed road construction was the death of the location.The only competition now is AMC 14 at Westshore.
It sat empty for years as vandals did everything from lighting fires and knocking down light poles in the parking lot to breaking glass.
I’m interested in finding out if it will be turned into a car lot, or if they will be looking for a manager soon. I have over 7 yrs management experience, and am interested in learning if it will be re-opened.
Comments (9)
The last owner of this theater was Carmike. Why they couldn’t make a ru of it is beyond me. In the deal they got 3 theaters, Main St 5, University 6 and Hillsboro 8. The Hillsboro 8 was originally 3 scvreen theater run by Plitt. They gutted the 3 plex, knocked down the drive in behind it and reopened in the late 80’s as the Hillsboro 8. It was a beautiful theater when they opened. I rememebr one of th eopening films was Hairspray. They also were equiped to show 70mm which they did with Dick Tracy and Far And Away.
Which bankruptcy was this?
This was the 2000 bankrupsy of Carmike Cinemas. I just moved to Fl. when they filed bankrupsy I was to work there for a “Training period, but ended up going straight into Jacksonville.
I remember that Carmike Retro-fitted Stadium seating, and put the Mission Bell out of business. Carmike Execs claimed that the road construction killed the business.. although they owned the building it was rumored that it would be turned into a car lot.
I drove by on Monday May 1st and noticed construction trailers and construction company signs present, So I was curious as to who had taken over this location.
Thanks Chuck
I doubt that anybody would re-open this theatre. The pictures I took on Cinematour were taken during rush hour and dear LORD was the traffic horrendous. It took me about 45 minutes just to get in and out of the parking lot.
And if I’m not mistaken, this theatre looks like it was built by Cineplex Odeon. Is that correct?
I’ve seen that theater and it and the area around has seen better days with channelside and westshore and sunrise cinemas. it would not recover if you opened it and there is also talk of a 18 plex Cobb not to mention Muvico at Ybor City.
Muvico at Ybor is not making much money, People going to Ybor are going to the clubs. Channelside may have a chance once all the new condos and urban re-development is complete.
The only real competition is the Westshore 14 in this area, Traffic is HORRIBLE anywhere on Dale Mabry and Hillsboro, there is a Muvico 10 way out in Palm Harbor.
Carmike does a poor job at managing their nicer theaters, suprises me that the Royal Palm 20 in bradenton wasn’t taken over by the landlord and Carmike Kicked out. It’s a shame they have a couple nice theaters, you wouldn’t even guess it was a Carmike until you got inside and saw how poorly it was operating, and how dirty it was.
I agree that the area is not the best, and that should allow for a lower lease price because of the demographic area. I guess that eventually as construction gos along there will be a sign going up to tell what is going in there. I do not get over to that area often, so if anyone sees anything let me know!
Hi Chuck,
I wrote a piece on Old Hyde Park on this site. They are wanting to build condos on the theater grounds. It can’t get historic status because it has only been here since 1984 ( I believe ). I know thet sunrise cinemas has done well in the area. maybe they will concider
the hillsboro theater. I don’t know if it would do well in that location with independent and foreign films. Plus, the Tampa news is making more out of it than it is sunrise is going to be around for a while these to happen. Maybe the locals will stop it. But past experiences tell me they will not. The Tampa Theater is historic and it still has its battles. I hope I’m wrong Tampa doesn’t need mor condos.
Hey Guys…Seeing as the last entry on this thread was made in 2006 I’m not certain whether or not anyone still checks it out. If anyone does and is interested…as a lifelong fan of the Hillsboro I’ll soon be posting a history of the complex from its beginning as a single screener to the closure of the 8-plex.
I’m also posting a story on the drive-in which was Tampa’s first. I hope to have both posted under Tampa’s theatres within the next week or so…please check back if you’re interested. I have most of the story complete but need to check microfilm at the library for verification of a couple dates.
Nick, Keep up the great work.I wish Augusta had more screens to write about. Chuckie, is right about Carmike. I think they are out of Columbus.Ga.We never had any here but the ones i have seen are dumps.But, in smaller Markets LIKE Middlesboro,Ky. the prices reflect 1980 box office prices.
Do not know.