Smell-O-Vision making a comeback?
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April 12, 2006 at 7:40 am
According to a report from the BBC, a Japanese firm has developed a fragrance machine for movies similar to the infamous Smell-O-Vision system of 1960.
Screenings of Colin Farrell’s latest film will be accompanied by a series of smells at a cinema in Japan.
Seven fragrances will waft from machines under back row seats during historical adventure The New World.
A floral smell will accompany love scenes, with a mixture of peppermint and rosemary for tear-jerking moments.
Cinemas across the country will be able to download programmes to control various sequences of fragrances for other upcoming films.
Comments (7)
I smelled both attempts in NY: Mike Todd Jr’s Scent of Mystery and some foreign import travelog that wafted into the DeMille. I think any attempt to revive the experience is a mistake.
Aromatherapy in theaters, nice touch.
The Japanese are great, what will they think of next? Their food is the best and their animation is also the best.
I say we bring back the scratch ‘n’ sniff “Odorama” cards that accompanied the first release screenings of John Waters' “Polyester”! Man, was that an adventure!
Wow, i laughed out loud when i heard this “breaking news” on one of the entertainment shows. I guess the old saying is true: Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it"! Hey, there’s a whole generation who never had the… pleasure?… of Smell-O-Vision. We kind of owe it to them, hunh?
Ahhhh the Smell-O-Vision. It failed once…it will do so again. Perhaps the ONLY good reason to have one of these is to pump popcorn smell into the auditorium. I heard of that done several times. Works too…people get up and come back with popcorn.
Does the movie smell like Colin Farrell? That’s a disturbing thought. I’ve never seen him in person, but in his appearances on T.V. talk shows, he usually has sort of a seedy, boozy look. Now I’m imagining a nice, tidy Japanese theatre being filled with a smell redolent of one of those old skid row grind houses where bums used to sleep off their drunks.
Lets hope this does not make a comeback some theatres smell bad on their own.