Fox Theatre in Hays, Kansas to be Auctioned

posted by JoelWeide on March 16, 2006 at 4:30 am

HAYS, KS — The Fox Theatre, 1202 Main Street in Hays, Kansas, will be auctioned on Tuesday March 28th, according to the sale bill currently on line at The auction bill include terms of sale, as well as a wealth of photographs of the theatre.

The Fox in Hays has been closed for some time and at one point was owned by Dickinson Theatre of Mission, Kansas which also operates the Mall Cinema 8. This was orginally a National General house, and later operated by the Mann Corporation and finally Dickinson, it was nicely twined but the downtown location, with very limited parking was always and issue.

Even by today’s standards the theatre is very contemporary looking. It is truly unfortunate to see this theatre fall to this fate. Hopefully someone will find a creative use and be even more fortunate to make it work.

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