Fire destroys Montana theater

posted by bloosoda on November 13, 2006 at 5:15 am

DEER LODGE, MT — The historic Rialto Theatre in Deer Lodge, Montana was destroyed by fire recently.

Officials continue to investigate what caused a Saturday fire that destroyed the historic Rialto Theater, and those results could be available in a week or two.

Steve Owens, president of Rialto Community Theater Inc., said the volunteer board that oversees theater operations won’t speculate on how the fire started. Instead, they’ll wait for the conclusion of an investigation by the state fire marshal.

After that, a community meeting will be held to discuss the investigation’s outcome and talk about the future of the town’s beloved cultural center. It was the only auditorium in Powell County.

For more, visit theMontana Standard.

Also, you can check out the website of the volunteer group that rehabbed and ran the theater. They have posted pics from the blaze and are seeking donations to rebuild.

(Thanks to CT member empinball for also contributing to this story.)

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