Movie Times for the Palace Theatre

posted by justayankeefan on October 13, 2006 at 7:16 am

ALBANY, NY — The Palace Theatre will be the showing the following movies:

The Wizard of Oz will be played on Wednesday, October 25th at 1 and 7 PM.
The Postman Always Rings Twice will be played on Wednesday, November 1st at 1 and 7 PM.
MAS*H, as part of a benefit for VetCare, will be played on Thursday, November 9th at 7:30 PM. Note that tickets for this movie are $10.
Gone With the Wind will be played on Wednesday, November 15th at 1 and 7 PM.
Citizen Kane will be played on Wednesday, November 29th at 1 and 7 PM.

All tickets, except for MAS*H, are $5.

For more info, visit the Palace Theatre webpage.

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