Grand Theater Photos

posted by Patrick Crowley on September 1, 2005 at 5:13 am

Ed Dobbins sent us this note about the Grand Theater:

I though you might be interested, I finially compiled all of my Grand Theater pictures onto one website.

Ed Dobbins
Baltimore, MD

Comments (1)

brentclarkf on September 1, 2005 at 1:24 pm

Thank your for the photos. However, I was disgusted by them. Americans are a wasteful people. When one visits Europe, buildings with hundreds of years of use behind them are still valued. It’s a shame the Grand wasn’t saved. This is the same story around the United States with regards to older structures and the trend certainly isn’t limited to theatres. I live in Stillwater, OK where a massive demolition of older homes has been and still is occuring. Many of these homes were in good to great condition but were torn down in the name of progress. What a waste of both resources and history!

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