The New Waverly Set to Open June 17

posted by CinemAFuchs on May 19, 2005 at 4:51 am

NEW YORK, NY — IFC Center Channels Historic Movie House

“What could be better than running an art house in downtown New York?” asks John Vanco, VP and general manager of the new IFC Center (, scheduled to open June 17 in the historic Waverly Theater building in Manhattan.

“It’s going to be a combination of all sorts of different films from all sorts of places,” he promises. “One house will be on a calendar schedule, including two-week locks of new films, special series and classics. The other two will be edgy, independent, foreign-language films and documentaries. We will also have a digital pre-show with short films and other content…that people will feel good about having spent ten dollars to see. If we’re doing a retrospective or a series of midnight movies, it will be a great advantage to have the edit suites upstairs.”

Vanco looks forward to making special trailers, “something that has historically not even come close to making sense. There are better and more creative ways to use hi-def digital projection other than running ads.”

In the June 2005 edition of Film Journal International Vanco shares some more of his great ideas for programming while lead architect Larry Bogdanow discusses aspects of design and construction.

Likely his biggest was “to make this a very unique film experience for people. Going to the IFC Center should be different than going anywhere else to see a movie. Surely that has to a lot do with programming,” Bogdanow contends, “but after that it’s what does the place look and feel like, what’s going on there? That’s what we’ve tried to do in terms of finishes, color and lighting.”

Read the entire article online.

Comments (2)

br91975 on May 21, 2005 at 9:35 pm

Does anyone know of a newsstand or bookstore in NYC which stocks Film Journal International? I spent the better part of Saturday afternoon, trying to find a place which does, to no avail. I’d love to have a copy of the June print edition.

CinemAFuchs on May 22, 2005 at 2:14 pm

Dear br91975 — Thank you for your interest. Film Journal International is only available by subscription View link but I would gladly ask to have a copy sent to you if you email me the address.

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