Watts Theatre Receives Local Media Attention
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February 8, 2005 at 6:30 am
OSAGE, IA — Our good friends at the Watts received some well-deserved recognition after being profiled in our book and listed as one of USA Today’s 10 Great Places.
The local CBS television affiliate ran a segment quoting manager Earl Kennedy, “It’s a very, very short list. It’s just awesome to me to be included on the list. It is wonderful, it’s a one of a kind experience and I consider it a huge honor.”
To Mary Peiper’s article in The Globe Gazette he added, “In the age of the multiplex it seems small town theaters are going out the door. But the Watts has always been one to buck the trend.”
Keep up the good work, guys!
Comments (8)
It is so great that Watts is getting the recognition it deserves. Thanks for the article!!!
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Topic for reflective essays
Make your writings about freedom interesting by including relevant data.
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Essay on freedom;
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Several fantastic topics for your freedom essay
These are two terms that don’t naturally go together very often. However, exploring the relationship that one perceives between the two would be intriguing. There is a certain responsibility that comes along with each freedom to do or not do anything that you wish for. It is impossible to pursue freedom while refusing to acknowledge the accountability element.
Liberation for Egypt and Libya
If you want to present what has recently transpired in Egypt and Libya, you could potentially write a comparative piece. In the case of the former, pro-democracy supporters who want freedom saw to it that Mubarak’s regime was overthrown. In Libya, where Kaddafi still rules, the same thing has not taken place. Compare the circumstances and consider the causes of this.
3/- Feudalism and freedom in India
India gained the opportunity to become a democracy and was freed from British domination in the year 1947. However, there are still numerous areas of India where feudalism prevails and landlords ruthlessly oppress the underclass. This is a solid topic for an essay that you can develop for a number of Freedom writings.
4/- Independence and free will
Are these two words interchangeable? Are they equivalent, or are there any nuances that a well-written essay could highlight?
Essay on freedom.
Freedom can also have a far larger meaning than free-will since when you talk about free-will, you’re talking about a person’s personal freedom. If you are a philosophy student, you might consider considering the minor distinctions between these two terms that are sometimes used interchangeably.
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Essay criticisms may depress you, therefore accept them in the proper attitude.
You may already have problems just writing and turning in an essay on time. Think about what you would have to go Essay evaluation
Additionally, there are some things from which we are powerless to escape, and this is one of them. There is no doubt that you will quickly establish yourself as a good writer if you can learn to accept the criticism that is offered to you with grace.
Points that are open to criticism
First, format
The most frequent area where instructors or mentors criticise students is on this one. For instance, many people would not adhere to the guidelines for arranging all the elements of an essay in the proper order. Every piece of writing needs an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. There is a good probability you may encounter a lot of difficulties if you are unsure of the sequence in which the various components are to be delivered Writing critiques.!
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The second thing you should be on the lookout for is this. Let’s pretend that you are composing an argumentative essay about abortion. You are attempting to present a viewpoint, thus you must be quite careful with your words. If you are not careful, you can come under fire for being able to express the most extreme opinions without offending anyone. Regardless of whether you are writing a basic essay or a complex PhD dissertation, avoid using poor language or being unpleasant.
3/- Information
In this instance, Essay evaluation
Can originate from any area. For instance, you must ensure that you have current information if you plan to write about the problem of female feticide in India. Many pupils may find it difficult to relate to this subject. In India, where producing a male offspring is highly valued, this practise is widespread. As a result, you could focus on the societal ramifications when writing your essay. Include statistics on female feticide during the past ten years and explain the actions made by different groups to reduce it to increase the effectiveness.
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When you have to offer an argument, consider some really interesting points of view C.!
It would be somewhat dull to discuss how unemployment is a problem or how it hinders a nation’s development. It would be preferable to relate unemployment to other problems, some of which we have already mentioned here. If you have any questions, let us know after reading this post.
Some concepts that you could use
Some of the topics you could cover include the causes, effects, and numerous other facets of unemployment as a social ill. Please review the following points:
It is important to pay attention to the current workforce’s lack of employability when virtually every politician is discussing the levels of unemployment in a nation. In fact, you might create a series of Essays about unemployment
On this notion. For instance, you might write about the innumerable students who graduate from school without the employability skills necessary to keep their jobs in a variety of industries. These are the same students that are struggling to obtain employment. This might be a topic worth writing about because it is so interesting and novel. If you want more information on this, get in touch with our paper writing service.
2/- A job with benefits
When discussing unemployment, one naturally considers what employment entails. Is it possible to find gainful employment by starting a business, or does one need to land the right kind of job? The unemployment issue might also be resolved by starting a business. Instead of considering unemployment as a problem that needs to be solved, it would be interesting to consider these ideas. This could in fact serve as a sort of outline or foundation for a PhD dissertation. If you would want assistance developing a topic or idea that might potentially lead to a dissertation, kindly let us know what you are searching for.
3/- Pressures from society on the unemployed
There may be some valid explanations for a person’s unemployment. You could research these in your Essay on unemployment.
Given that this is a topic that is very socially relevant, you should be attentive when writing any kind of essay about it. You cannot say things that might offend people who are unemployed or in other vulnerable situations. There may be a lot of pressure in a household where a grown son or daughter is unemployed, which occasionally even pushes the individual to desperation. This might then cause people to go insane or even try suicide. Write about all of this in your work.
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