Site Update: More upgrades needed
posted by
Patrick Crowley
November 14, 2005 at 7:04 am
While yesterday’s upgrades were quite substantial, Cinema Treasures continues to remain rather sluggish.
We had hoped the upgrades would end the slowdown issue once and for all, but it’s now clear we will need to take additional steps to improve the performance of the website so that it can handle the large amount of traffic we’re now receiving.
Until the site is fixed, everyone should expect the website to be slow (or even inaccessible) at times. You may wish to limit your use of Cinema Treasures to evening or other non-peak hours, or even take a few days off from using the site.
As always, we thank you for your support and continued patience. We’ll post another update on our progress in a few days.
Comments (17)
But it’s so damned addicting!!! Seriously, I understand. After my posts today, I’ll take a little vacation from the site. Let us know what we loyal members can do (financially, otherwise) to help with upgrades to the site and supporting server systems.
Every user uses resources on the site.
I believe the biggest problem on the site is the stress on the database.
Every element on the site grabs data from the MySQL db, and in turn causes a slowdown. Limiting guests would work, but I don’t think it would be very inviting, which is what cinema treasures tries not to be.
Yes, Sean is correct on both points, Lost Memory.
1) More users = more traffic = more load on the server.
2) While the heavy load is mostly caused by ‘guest’ users, there’s no way to prevent those users from using Cinema Treasures without impacting the experience for everyone else. Some ‘guest’ users might simply be registed users who are just trying to login or use Cinema Treasures from work, school, etc.
When I’m at work one of the guests is me because my password isn’t saved on that computer and I have no idea what it is.
I never seem to be logged in here until I explicitly log in, and I don’t do that unless I’m going to post a comment. That’s probably true for many of the other ‘guests’ as well.
While there is complications with heavy traffic, isn’t it good to know that Cinema Treasures is exposing such a large amount of people to a subject that means so much to us members.
Sure does. I came on here last January by accident for 5 minutes. I’m stuck in here and addicted. It’s a good thing I grew up in a historic town and was a history major and love doing research.
I posted comments for two theatres today, but neither one shows up in the “Recent Comments” list.
Yes, Ron. That’s not a bug.
When the upgrades are complete, the Recent Comments list will only be updated once per hour. (Presently, it’s only generated once per day, but this will change shortly.)
Recent Comments was actually one of things responsible for slowing down the website, since it was a rather intensive database query which was used on almost every page of Cinema Treasures.
Lost, what I think Patrick means by “guests” is that not everyone of the many members are signed in when they are on the site. For example, you want to check the new messages on some theater on the site, but you are at work, or some computer other than the computer you normally use. unless you sign in, you will not come up as “lostmemory”, you would come up of one of those “guest” people, even though you are a regular user. And most people will only sign in on a “strange” computer if they are going to make a comment, otherwise it doesn’t matter if they log in or not. But it doesn’t really matter, as they aren’t using any more or less bandwidth than if they were logged into their account. Many of these “guests” could be just random people finding the site, but really just picture many regular users all over the country, but not signed in.
….in fact, I was just a “guest” until I noticed I wasn’t signed in, because I cleaned out all my computer’s cookies today, so I just had to sign in. But…..if I wasn’t going to post anything right now, and I just came in to check updates….I would have come and gone here without even realizing, or thinking about signing in, and would have been one of those “guests”….
That’s exactly right, Bway. Thanks for expanding on my earlier comments! ;)
What I also noticed recently, was every time I logged in, it would say “invalid page request” but at the upper left it would welcome me as a member. Clearly a contradiction.
I’m often on as a “guest” because I don’t log in unless I’m fairly certain that I will be making a comment. For the past several days I have not been able to access the theatre sites at all- for every name I type in I eventually get the “Oops! Name not listed” message, even with common names like Warner and Strand. I hope that you can fix what ails CT so that Members and Guests alike can breeze thru the site as before.
Unfortunately, I also have been having the same problem for the last week as Ron stated above. You can put a theater as common as the Chinese Theater, and it says “Ooops, Name not listed”. The site seems to have more problems than it did before, hopefully it will all be worked out.
I see the kinks have been worked out but there’s only like 4 new theaters in the “new” section. I know we all took a break but I’m sure the hardcore folks have a bunch on the backburner or are in the process of bombarding us with new ones. Right?
For me, the site is barely functional over the last week.
i was wondering if anyone knows who owns or operates the VOGUE THEATRE loacted at 6675 Hollywood Blvd. I’ve been trying to reach the owners for some time now with no luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I’m very interested in the property which would be used for live children theatrical shows based on a series of characters I have created. I think some fun “THEATRE” style events on Hollywood Blvd. would do it some justice…..Thanks!