Seeking advice about starting a small theater

posted by Patrick Crowley on November 10, 2005 at 10:13 am

Antoinette and Wayne Stone ask:

We are interested in opening our own Fun Center to include a small DVD/VHS theatre for about 50 people in attendance. Where can we information about vendors for this type of equipment, what type of licensing do we need? We are in Genesee County, in Batavia, NY.

Any information or resources would be greatly appreciated as we put together our business plan and look for financing.

Antoinette & Wayne Stone
P.O. Box 115
7521 Mechanic Street
South Byron, NY 14557

Comments (2)

superdude480 on November 17, 2005 at 7:52 pm

I can tell you that when i comes to dvd and vhs being used for profit like what yall propose most film companies if not all restrict the use for public viewing unless its for non profit. The film companies might let you show them for profit but more than likly not because they have contracts with stores like walmart, target ect. that prohibits them in their contracts from letting private theatres show them. This way companies like walmart ect can sell them in their stores. But your best way to find out for sure is to go to and look for their services section and there they have film brokers who book films for theatres and they talk with the film companies directly so they could help you in your quest. Alot of film bookers list their services on the website.

superdude480 on November 17, 2005 at 7:54 pm

WARNING i posted the wrong website for box office magazine its instead. good luck.

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