More theater chains

posted by horatio28 on October 12, 2005 at 6:22 am

I’d like to add a couple more theater chains to the list. You have a listing for Alger Brothers and state that they operated out of Chicago. Actually, that chain was a partnership of my dad, E.E. Alger and my uncle, Harold R. Alger and the only theaters ever in that chain were the Albro and Princess in Urbana, Illinois and the Park and COED in Champaign. My Dad managed those theaters out of LaSalle, Ill. and my uncle provided the on-sight management.

The other chains with which my dad was involved as general manager or managing partner were Alger Theaters and L & P Theaters. The latter company was a partnership between Balaban & Katz (out of Chicago) and Alger Theaters. In addition, the LaSalle Drive-In was a joint venture between Alger Theaters and a company called Alliance Theaters out of Chicago and Ft Wayne, In.

Comments (1)

carolgrau on October 24, 2005 at 5:55 am

Are these chains still operating?

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