“Cinema Treasures” Book Reviewed By Los Angeles Times
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Ross Melnick
January 7, 2005 at 5:40 am
LOS ANGELES, CA — Los Angeles Times film critic Kenneth Turan recently reviewed our new book, writing: “Handsomely produced and extensively illustrated, ‘Cinema Treasures’ is detailed without being dull and thoroughly at home with this often neglected subject matter.”
The full review is available to Los Angeles Times subscribers.
For more information about the book, please visit our book website.
Comments (10)
I have Cinema Treasures thanks to Santa! I suggest that if you are thinking about purchasing this one to do so as you won’t be disappointed in the least! In fact, I’m sharing it with many of my friends to get them interested in becoming movie buffs and finding cinematreasures.org!
I got one this Christmas and this is the first chance I had to write about it. Open the thing and it turns its own pages from cover to cover. You will not be able to put the darned thing down, and you will find yourself glancing at it every so often after you finish. This book is first class.
Cinema Treasures is a ‘treasure’ and I recommend it to anyone that has interest in movie palaces!
Me too, that plus this site got me interested in picture palaces.
A really good review! Looking forward to the coming events! -TomLimber.com
This book have nice information on Cinema and movie and lot of picture…
Heel tastic
I bought the book for $20 today at Iliad Bookstore in North Hollywood. They had three copies left. I also bought one of the Naylor books on classic theaters.
I bought the book for $10 today at Iliad Bookstore in North Hollywood.
Going to get me one.
A truly excellent review! Wanting forward to the coming events! I suggest it to anybody that has attention in movie palaces.