SF’s Harding Theater Endangered!
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January 28, 2005 at 7:45 am
SAN FRANCISCO, CA — Condo developers have obtained permits to demolish San Francisco’s historic Harding Theater.
Neighborhood merchants are lobbying to save the theater and adapt it for reuse. They will meet with the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, February 1, 2005, at City Hall, Room 244, One Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place (Polk Street between Grove and McAllister Streets), San Francisco, 3:30 pm. (415) 568-3306.
For more info, check out this website.
Comments (3)
Why is this theater closed now? Can it be equipped and made operable?
The Harding Theatre operated as a church for over 20 years and as a result was largely forgotten within the community. The architect of the proposed replacement project suggested that the theatre’s interior had been “stripped” and little of the original theatre remained. As a result of this misinformation, a general lack of notice and of the dilapidated appearance of the theatre’s exterior, there was little early opposition to changes to the theatre. A recent tour of the interior of the theatre, however, verified that the theatre’s interior is in fact largely intact. Projection, sound and screen equipment were removed years ago and singificant improvements would be required to re-open the theatre, but the interior remains striking. More information and photos are available at www.savetheharding.org or at www.sfntf.org The Harding Theatre issue will now be heard before the S.F. Board of Supervisors on 2/15/04 at 4 PM.
To help us save the Harding Theater, please see our web-site or contact us below:
—David Tornheim, on behalf of Central City Progressives
(the appellant to the demolition)
[phone number can be found on web-site]
Central City Progressives
c/o David Tornheim
1890 Grove St. #5, San Francisco, CA 94117-1249