Now That’s a Movie!

posted by Patrick Crowley on May 18, 2004 at 7:25 am

ESSEX, VT — A Vermont couple has tied the knot in their favorite place to have dates—a movie theater!

Renee Bleau and Travis Vigneau, who often spent dates watching movies together, were married yesterday in a local Essex multiplex. The wedding, attended by fifty guests, included tickets, popcorn, and even movie previews (‘The Day After Tomorrow’ and ‘Spiderman 2’).

The full account of the wedding can be found in this report from

Comments (2)

GaryParks on May 18, 2004 at 1:08 pm

Very cool.
As someone who was also married in a movie theatre (the 1926 Golden State, listed as the UA State, in Monterey, California), I can attest to the fact that it’s a fun experience. While we didn’t actually show any movies as part of the festivities, we DID have a 20 minute prelude of show music and other tunes on the theatre’s Wurlitzer organ.
Not long ago my wife and I had a conversation with the manager of Berkeley’s California Theatre, and learned that she too, had a theatre wedding.
In the old day as well, theatres were used for weddings, sometimes as part of the actual entertainment program, or for the winners of prize drawings.

paulaclark on May 18, 2004 at 8:20 pm

ultra cool. Our theatre was known for bringing couples together. One couple, local folks, married for over fifty years, met and had their first kiss in our theatre. Theatres are romantic places, can’t change that! Not that anyone would want to. Congrats to the happy couple.

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