Raymond Theatre Hearing TONIGHT!

posted by Ross Melnick on April 12, 2004 at 1:17 pm

PASADENA, CA — The following email was sent in by Gina Zamparelli:

“We need your support at the Raymond Theatre Conceptual Design Review Hearing TONIGHT, Monday, April 12, 2004.

The owners of the historic Raymond Theatre (formerly Perkin’s Palace) located in Pasadena, California have filed for Design Review of their proposed project. They will be requesting the City of Pasadena Design Commission give approval to gut the Historic Raymond Theatre and convert it to an apartment, retail, shopping complex.

This is the proposal:

The main lobby of the Raymond Theatre has indoor fountains and circular ramps leading to the balcony. The proposed project takes out one ramp and fountain and
converts the lobby to retail space.

The proposal calls for almost complete demolition of the theatre. The theatre would be demolished from the ground floor to the roof, and is filled with retail and apartment space. All that remains will remain is the mezzanine and a small section of the auditorium.

A small section of auditorium which would be retained, which extends from the front of the balcony to the front of the stage. This section contains the orchestra balconies. The developers propose to use this auditorium space for a swimming pool, which will include cutting out huge areas of the historic ceiling out for skylights.

The stage area is shown as a parking ramp. The sloped floor is gone and
space for parking is excavated under the theatre.

The stagehouse and dressing rooms are filled with apartments with a townhouse on top.

The parking lot holds a massive condo project, the largest built in Old Pasadena since the One Colorado project. The design of the new condo project is modern and is out
of scale for the National District Neighborhood.

Please won’t you attend this important hearing TONIGHT and show your support for preservation of the Raymond Theatre.


Date: April 12, 2004
Place: Pasadena Conference Center
300 East Green Street,
Room 211
Time: 5:30 p.m.

(next to the Civic Auditorium, at the Southwest corner of S. Euclid and E. Green Street. Room 211 is at the sidewalk level, just off the Euclid Avenue entrance).

Thank you for helping us protect Pasadena’s Historic Raymond Theatre!

Friends of the Raymond Theatre

Office: (818) 541- 9522
Fax: (818) 541- 9523
E-mail: raymondtheatre@aol.com
Website: www.raymondtheatre.com"

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Comments (1)

sdoerr on April 13, 2004 at 12:30 pm

How did the hearing go?

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