Bryn Mawr Theater Sold

posted by Radioinactive on October 14, 2004 at 5:30 am

BRYN MAWR, PA — The Bryn Mawr Film Institute has puchased the Bryn Mawr Theater with the intention of showing first-run independent and foreign films, according to a report in the Philadelphia Inquirer [reg. req.]. It will also provide education programs in filmmaking and cinema analysis for students at local colleges and classes for grade schools.

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Comments (1)

FoxFan on October 17, 2004 at 12:44 pm

This is very good. The house needs extensive remodeling. Very out-dated venue that has excellent potential. Currently running a hodge-podge of film-fare and not exactly in the cleanest auditorium comfort. Stiff competition tho from down the street venues such as Clearview’s ANTHONY WAYNE 5 Plex and BALA CYNWOOD Plex too.
I hope this theatre does very well – it has the greatest demographics in the world for specialized films.

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