Save The Sameric Event Next Tuesday!

posted by Ross Melnick on May 8, 2003 at 9:07 am

PHILADELPHIA, PA — “Save the Sameric,” the preservation organization fighting to save the shuttered Boyd/Sameric Theater, will hold an event for Preservation Month on Tuesday, May 13th, at 6 PM at the Academy of Vocal Arts, Helen Corning Ward Theater, 1920 Spruce Street in Philadelphia.

This is a free event with a lecture, illustrated with slides, featuring an overview of the fate and preservation of historic movie palaces throughout the U.S. The presentation will also highlight Philadelphia movie palaces, including the Boyd (Sameric), by Adrian Fine of the National Trust for Historic Preservation and Save the Sameric architect, Shawn Evans.

Reservations can be made by calling (215) 546-1146 x10.

For more information on this event or the group, visit their website.

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