Community Action Award Awarded To “Save the Sameric”

posted by Ross Melnick on May 16, 2003 at 11:44 am


The following was sent in by “Save The Sameric”:

At a luncheon ceremony attended by Mayor Street of Philadelphia, the Preservation Alliance for Greater Philadelphia presented the Community Action Award to The Committee to Save the Sameric, Howard B. Haas, Chairman.

The Committee to Save the Sameric was formed in June 2002 following the issuance of a demolition permit for historic Boyd Theater in Philadelphia. Dedicated members of the film community, film buffs, and preservationists were brought together by Howard B. Haas, a Center City lawyer, to create a grass-roots campaign to preserve the theater. Media support and petitions signed by 5000 individuals eventually led to Mayor Street’s endorsement for preservation.

Although the future of the theater is still in question, the efforts of hundreds of volunteers-coordinated by a leadership group consisting of Haas, Shawn Evans, AIA, Michael Norris, Jay Farrell, Rob Bender, Andrew Repasky McElhinney, Adrian Scott Fine, and John Andrew Gallery-have demonstrated the effectiveness of grass-roots preservation action and given hope that the Boyd will be returned to its Art Deco splendor.

Haas accepted the award and pointed out in particular the heroic volunteer assistance of architect Shawn Evans, but noted that Philadelphia’s last movie palace has not been saved yet and asked the 300 people in the audience to help.

Congratulations to Howard Haas and Shawn Evans and all of the supporters of Save The Sameric for a job incredibly well done!

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