Big Screen Classics Come to New York!

posted by Ross Melnick on January 29, 2003 at 5:12 pm

The Big Screen Classics series, which took place last year at the Galaxy Theatre in New Jersey, will unspool at the historic Lafayette Theatre in Suffern, New York with 35mm prints of such classic films as Sunset Boulevard, The Quiet Man, and many more, as well as contemporary classics like Glory and Raiders of the Lost Ark.

According to the website: “Just over the border from northern New Jersey, the Lafayette is a fully-functional vintage 1920’s movie palace,” which is now operated by the Galaxy Theatre Corporation. “The Lafayette features a huge capacity of 1250 seats, state-of-the-art projection and sound equipment and the Ben Hall Memorial Mighty Wurlitzer Theatre Pipe Organ.”

“With plenty of free parking and an easy-to-access location, the Lafayette will be the premiere venue for classic cinema in the tri-state area. For more information about the Lafayette, visit the official website.”

For more information, read the Journal News article

Thanks to Pete Apruzzese for the news!

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