Vote To Save And Restore El Paso’s Plaza Theater

posted by Ross Melnick on July 9, 2002 at 11:01 am

EL PASO, TX — El Paso’s local NBC affiliate, KTSM-TV Channel 9, is conducting an online poll to gauge community support of the city’s proposed $13 million infusion to the $26 million restoration of the historic Plaza Theater. The results of the poll will be broadcast tonight on their evening news and can help continue the growing momentum to restore this beloved, but closed, “Cinema Treasure”.

The gorgeous atmospheric Plaza opened in 1930 and was narrowly saved from demolition in 1987. It was previously selected as part of the “Save America’s Treasures” program and is in the midst of a large fundraising campaign to restore and reopen the 2000-seat theater.

Along with the city funding, the El Paso Community Foundation is proposing to assist El Paso in the following ways: commiting to raising $12 million for the project; donating the Mighty Wurlitzer Organ which once graced the theater (it was restored in 1998); and donating an adjacent building (Centre Annex Building) to be integrated into the operations of the Plaza Theatre. This building would contain a restaurant facility, event ballroom/children’s theater and a roof-top patio garden for community events.

Vote Now!

(Thanks to Roman Herrington/EPCF!)

Comments (1)

sona786 on October 22, 2019 at 3:07 am

Is someone aware of who currently owns the Warner Theatre in Milwaukee and would thus be the “seller” to the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra? What is the sale price?

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