Deer Lake Drive-In To Reopen?
posted by
Patrick Crowley
December 3, 2002 at 6:31 am
SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, PA — Kevin Moxley and Joseph McDade, two businessmen in Schuylkill County PA, are attempting to revive the area’s last drive-in movie theater, according to a report in the Morning Call.
The two plan to restore the Deer Lake Drive-In, which has been closed since the mid-1990s, by restoring the theater’s screen, outlying buildings, and road sign.
Currently, Moxley and McDade, in partnership with the county Visitors Bureau and Orwigsburg Historical Society, are circulating a petion to measure public support for reopening the theater.
(Thanks to Denny J. Huber for letting us know about this development.)