Hronek Opera House

203-205 N. Main Street,
Pocahontas, IA 50574

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Hronek Opera House

Built in 1901 by F.J. Hronek, the opera house was on the second floor of a large two story brick building.

It originally offered live acts, speeches, etc. typical of a small town opera house, but by 1914-15 it was listed in the American Motion Picture Directory.

It is possible that films were only occasionally shown, as the 1916 map shows a hall with stage and scenery, but makes no mention of movies.

No later maps are available online, but this likely closed by around 1920, as did so many similar operations. The building today is in fair shape, with bricked in windows upstairs. The ground floor houses a law office and a boutique.

Note that the historical address was 200-202 Beulah, with the entrance by an external stair at the rear from Bissell (now 2nd St NW). Thanks to Joe Vogel for much of the information here.

Contributed by Seth Gaines
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