Twilite Drive-In

11922 NC-242,
Bladenboro, NC 28320

200 cars

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On April 18, 1951, The Exhibitor magazine reported, “The Drive-In, Bladenboro, N. C., will open on May 5. Queen City Booking Service will handle buying and booking.”

The 1952 Theatre Catalog included the Twilite Drive-In in Bradenboro, owner H. M. Sykes, capacity 150 cars.

The November 3, 1954 edition of Motion Picture Exhibitor included the “Viz-Twilite Drive-In, Bladanboro (sic), N. C.” among the drive-ins heavily damaged or destroyed by Hurricane Hazel. However, the 1955-56 Catalog still included the Twilite Drive-In, now with a capacity of 200 cars.

Aerial photos showed a drive-in about a mile northeast of Bradenboro on Highway 242. It wasn’t present in an (early?) 1951 photo, looked active in 1955, and had already been abandoned with its screen gone by 1961. There appears to be no trace of that drive-in today.

Contributed by Michael Kilgore
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