Frontier Drive-In

McGregor Drive,
Knoxville, IA 50138

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SethG on December 10, 2024 at 10:57 pm

Kerr Theatres was a small circuit based in Colorado (but owning no theatres there). They ran the Frontier here, as well as a Frontier in Bethany, MO.

MichaelKilgore on July 30, 2019 at 2:09 pm

The Frontier was still there in 1962 when Carl Schwanebeck gave away a diamond ring to mark the drive-in’s ninth anniversary, according to a note in the Aug. 6, 1962 BoxOffice.

But the Frontier was gone by this June 10, 1964 note from Motion Picture Exhibitor: “Earl Kerr has opened the new Hi-Vu Drive-In, Knoxville, Ia. The new drive-in replaces the Frontier Drive-In. The federal Red Rock dam project necessitated the move.”

Kenmore on June 29, 2019 at 3:35 pm

The 1964 aerial photograph shows the screen is gone. No trace of the drive-in remains today.

Kris4077 on June 25, 2019 at 10:03 am

Google maps to 41.323896, -93.151693 right next to White Breast Creek where the bridge used to cross when McGregor Rd was Route 92. Appears on 1964 Aerial map on It looks like it was already closed by that time.