Weirs Drive-In

76 Endicott Street N.,
Weirs Beach, NH 03246

1000 cars

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Functions: Movies (First Run)

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Weirs Drive-In

The Weirs Drive-In was listed in the 1950-51 edition of Theatre Catalog as being located in Laconia, NH. It was operated by Henry Gaudette and had a capacity for 550 cars in its single screen. In recent years 2 more screens were added. It was closed on September 4, 2017 due to the owner retiring. It reopened for the 2018 season. It has not run movies in a few summers, but opens as a flea market and as a gathering place for motorcyclists during the area’s popular ‘bike week’.

Contributed by Bud Woods

Recent comments (view all 10 comments)

John on November 26, 2002 at 9:54 am

Screen 3 was recently raised by 10 feet to accomdate today’s larger vehicles! Now who saw that coming?

rcdt55b on December 10, 2004 at 7:29 am

Still going strong today.

rcdt55b on December 4, 2006 at 2:31 pm

Underwent a large overhaul and all new marquee.

rcdt55b on August 24, 2009 at 11:36 am

Still running. Upgraded some equipment also. Nice place.

Chris1982 on September 28, 2014 at 10:22 pm

This drive-in is still in operation, just closed the 2014 season. correct website

Denny Pine
Denny Pine on September 6, 2017 at 11:09 am

Sad news. The Weirs Drive-In’s final night of operation was this past Monday, September 4. The owner has decided to retire and sold the land for condos and other so-called “progress”.

It was said the the owner’s son will take ownership of all the theater-related equipment and start searching for land to build a new drive-in theater with it. Of course, I’ll be pulling for him.

Unfortunately, I never had the pleasure of visiting the Weirs. I was always hoping to, but was never able to plan it.

MichaelKilgore on September 21, 2017 at 2:32 pm

Patricia Baldi said in a 2015 interview that the drive-in had been in the family for 40 years, and that hers was only the second family to own it. Let me turn to the Theatre Catalogs and Motion Picture Almanacs on my shelf to see what they say about the Weirs.

First, the Theatre Catalogs,

1949-50: not listed.

1952: owner H. Gaudet, capacity 500 vehicles.

1955-56: H. Gaudet and Affiliated Ths. Corp., 500.

Now, my MPAs,

1953-54: H. Goubet (sic), 350.

1955-63: Mrs. H. B. Gaudet, 350.

1969-76: 350.

1982-88: L. Baldi.

Looks like Ms. Baldi is correct.

MichaelKilgore on September 21, 2017 at 2:36 pm

Today’s Laconia Daily Sun says that the deal to sell the Weirs has been dropped “after an initial study showed it to be in an archeologically important area where the potential for Native American artifacts could increase the costs of development. … If no buyer emerges, Baldi said there is even a chance she could re-open the drive-in next summer.”

On the Weirs Facebook page, management posted, “To my eye, this just looks like part of a larger negotiation process. How it will actually end is still unclear.”

TomMc11 on May 1, 2018 at 7:12 am

Their Facebook page stated on April 26th: Latest word from Patti Cakes is we will open May 4th, but I know nothing beyond that. Details coming soon.

Then there are 61 comments and in the middle of all of them was another comment from them: The contract last year fell through. It happens. We currently have some interested parties, but nothing concrete. We will definitely make it through the summer.

So, I’m keeping an eye on this but as of this Friday the status might need to change :)

TomMc11 on May 2, 2018 at 9:34 am

Time to change the status of this one back to OPEN! For one more year at least. From their Facebook page:

Movie schedule May 4th – 5th (Friday and Saturday night)

Screen 1: Avengers : Infinity War (PG-130 followed by Black Panther (PG-13)

Only one screen this weekend. More to open soon. Box Office will open at 7pm. Shows start at dusk, which, according to Google, is 8:20pm.

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