51 Drive-In

225 Meadowbrook Road,
Jackson, MS 39206

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kennerado on June 9, 2020 at 5:04 am

It actually opened on September 21, 1949 with “Neptune’s Daughter” starring Esther Williams and Red Skelton.

rivest266 on June 13, 2016 at 7:31 pm

September 23rd, 1949 grand opening ad in photo section. Not much.

jwmovies on October 17, 2014 at 4:36 pm

The address for this drive-in was 225 Meadowbrook Road. Please update.

ahollis on August 3, 2010 at 12:44 pm

The 51-Drive-In closed in the middle 60’s and a shopping center that included Miller Discount Store, Sunflower Foods and Pier One was constructed and opened in 1967. In 1976 the Miller Discount Store closed and Gulf States Theatres, which owned the property retrofited the store into a six screen theater. They did not raise the roof, but dug down created the sloped floors. I saw many films at the drive-in in the backseat of the car. Not what you think for I was a child and sat in the back while my parents sat in the front. Journey to the Center of the Earth and Mr. Hobbs takes a Vacation are two that I remember. Years later I worked at the six-plex.

ahollis on January 31, 2010 at 4:01 pm

It is interesting that Gulf States Theatres opperated this drive-in and then developed the shopping center that was built on after the theatre closed. There was a large discount store that went out of business and Gulf States Theatres build a six screen theatre(Meadowbrook Cinema 6) where the former store was. For several years, Cinema 6 was the best theatre in Jackson.