Fox Theatre

Main Street,
Blountsville, AL 35031

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The Fox Theatre was opened in May of 1948 by J.G. Lawrence and was announced at that time as having 300 seats. The 1951 Film Daily Yearbook gives a seating count of 688 for the Fox.

Contributed by Bryan Krefft

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kencmcintyre on July 10, 2009 at 1:08 pm

This is from Boxoffice magazine in July 1949:

Jesse Lawrence, owner of the Fox Theater here, suffered a flesh wound in the leg recently when he was helping Police Chief George Aldridge arrest a local welder on a charge of drunkenness.

Aldridge had asked Lawrence to help him place the prisoner in jail. Lawrence suffered a gunshot wound when Aldridge’s gun was discharged during a fight with the prisoner. Scene of the shooting was in front of City Hall, next to the theater.

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