Paramount Theatre
142 Federal Plaza West,
142 Federal Plaza West,
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Facebook link to a 1960 photo.
As a historical sidebar, Youngstown’s very first theater was located in a building that stood where the Liberty/Paramount was located and seated 1000 people, but since no movies were ever shown there since we are refering to the 1850’s it doesn’t qualify for listing here, but the Mahoning Valley Historical Society should have information on this theater.
To JamesD … actually I did see a lot of movies there over the years, and when a group was trying to restore it in the 1980’s I helped, so I was very familiar with the Paramount. I also was well aware of building codes and knew that it would take millions to restore the theater.
Paramount grand opening ad July 19th, 1929 uploaded in the photo section.
The pipes that remained in the photo above were removed about a year or so before demolition. I don’t know if the owner had them removed or if they were taken by scrappers.
Unfortunately no attempt was made to remove the consul or any of the pipes before demolition began so far as I know. As to the pipes themselves most were long gone before demolition even began. The owner of the theater at the time, Rick Blackwell, showed me the organ in the 1980’s when he was trying to restore the theater, and what you see in the photo was just about all that was left then.
Most pertinently to my own interests, did anybody make any attempt to remove what remained of the original Hilgreen-Lane pipe organ before the theatre was demolished? I’m sorry I first learned about the existence of this theatre and organ only one month ago… had I known of it two years ago (or even one year ago), I just might have tried to get a plane to Youngstown, get permission to remove the organ, taken it out and put it in a big 15' or 20' truck to take home. (If the organ still exists and is still available, let me know!)
Although definitely in bad shape judging from the photos (with many pipes missing, probably liberated by the “midnight organ supply” whom I hope are traceable local organbuilders/enthusiasts, since only a complete moron would try to loot old metal organ pipes which are a mixture of lead and tin and thus worth far more for musical and intrinsic purposes than recycling value), the organ does/did NOT appear to be unrestorable to me based upon the photos… my friend Robert Loeffler in Florida (Robert’s Musical Restorations) as well as other fine American restorers, have restored pianos and automatic musical instruments (including some pipe organs) in FAR WORSE shape than this, with many more parts missing.
The question is how much do you want to pay, and how much work are you willing to do in the restoration. (And somebody who really cares about the instruments, won’t give a damn about the additional cost of a good, proper restoration by a legitimate restorer, beyond the value added to the instrument, since they are in it for the music, not the money).
Also, a dedicated and determined amateur, with not a lot of money, can still restore almost anything provided that they CARE about the original instrument, research it thoroughly, obtain the correct restoration materials and use good techniques to avoid ruining the originality of the instrument.
This is really sad, a (previously-unknown?) remaining original-installation organ in a theatre, with the theatre demolished this year, in 2013!
I do hope some attempt was made to save this organ.
I have read most of the comments and it sounds like what has happened with this theatre and the town of Youngstown in general has been very sad. I would hope that, with what money and skills they have, the people of Youngstown would come together and get the town back on track to a great place instead of being doom and gloom and all depressed (I’m ignorant and generalizing here based upon stuff on the internet; I’ve never actually been to Youngstown).
But I do understand how hard it is to raise a huge amount of money to restore an old theatre, and also, once the theatre is restored, to open it and run it, whether as a performing arts venue, or art-house movie theatre, or what have you.
Were the folks who really cared about this place allowed to go in (with safety officials present for protection, of course) and pull out the remaining fixtures in the theatre (seats, lighting, props, etc. etc.) before the shell was demolished? Or did all remaining items go down with the theatre building?
That’s nice that all of the Youngstown theater stuff comes from you, but you still live in Youngstown, and while your city may be getting better, it still sucks.
Maybe the news will start using the Uptown Theatre as a backdrop now.
First you double posted your message as stupid as it is. No I’m not jealous in the least. Most of the photos and messages about Youngstown theaters came from me, and don’t you forget it.
This building was a dangerous eyesore that was one of the most photographed buildings in downtown Youngstown, and every time the national news media came to town to cover a story, they used it as a backdrop.
Our city is making a major comeback that people didn’t think would ever happen, and this theater was an eyesore. It needed to go five years ago.
“Once this is done shutterbugs will no longer have this eyesore to photograph and put up on the internet, ”
Wow, someone sounds a bit jealous. I guess you never made it inside huh Wolfgirl?
Demolition begins. See photo.
thank you so much for all your hard work in providing pictures and information about all the theaters in Youngstown. Lots of conversation on facebook today about the demolition of the paramount. It’s too bad they could not save the façade.
Finally, after years of doing nothing, work on demolishing the Paramount will begin July 8th and be completed sometime in September. Once this is done shutterbugs will no longer have this eyesore to photograph and put up on the internet, and while another parking lot is not my personal idea of what to do with the land, it will be better than what’s there right now.
The sad part about it is that it brings to a final conclusion an end to the pie in the sky schemes of the “arts dreamers” who have in the past come forward with all sorts of unfinanced ideas.
Since all of the work will be done at night thus avoiding conflict with normal downtown business, the work should go relatively quickly.
To be perfectly honest, we’ll be glad when it’s gone. Youngstown is making a major economic comeback thanks to the oil and gas industry, and with all the positive growth in the downtown area this eyesore has detracted from all the good things there far too long.
Demolished by the City March 2013 http://www.abandonedonline.net/commercial/paramount-theatre/
I recall Richard’s attempts, but unfortunately the city was no help to him when he applied for grants. Also saddly he couldn’t find enough volunteers to help him even clean up the theater.
I would like to document his efforts but need more exact dates since I haven’t the time to wade through hundreds of newspapers for 1984. I did run a quick Google but it was no help, and before I impose on our public library I hope someone can furnish me with dates. Our newspaper doesn’t index its articles so it isn’t any help.
In 1984 Mr. Richard Blackwell led a valiant charge to restore the theater but did not have enough $. Two events were held to my memory: A film on the history of the Youngstown Sheet and Tube, a concert by Black Oak Arkansas.
There are many photos of the Paramount as it stands today, but precious few of the theater in its prime, so I found a photo of the main floor in the theaters prime. Hopefully someone else can uncover more photos like this one.
Soon the status of the Paramount might change once the bulk of the building is demolished but let the folks tell their story in their own words:
New plans for the Paramount.
The plans include movies so once the project is completed the status can be changed to “Open” and “Single Screen”.
I noticed the pipes stacked at the back too. The console is also there up on the stage, so I suspect that was just the deconstruction crew moving them. The organ lofts are plainly visible on each side of the front seating area.
While doing research on another local theater, I came across an ad for the Liberty Cafateria in 1921 when the Paramount was still known as the Liberty, and according to the ad, the Liberty Cafateria was located in the basemant of the theater, and judging by the menu it served upscale food, and even had its own orchestra.
Because this restraunt was in the theater, I’ve placed a copy of the ad i the photos section for this theater.
First a question. In the photos of the Paramount stage the pipe organ is situated up against the back wall as are the pipes. Now I know that the organ itself can be placed anywhere … down in the orchestra pit being an example, and having the pipes behind the screen would make it an ideal spot, but was the organ there from the beginning, or was it just moved there later on. If so, there must not have been much room left what with the large sound equipment that was also behind the screen.
Next, I would like to take the opportunity to thank all the folks at Cinematreasures who have contributed to my better understanding of theaters, you’re great folks.
Thanks for the information, Wolfgirl. Much appreciated.