Crystal Theatre

634 Smithfield Street,
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

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dallasmovietheaters on July 15, 2022 at 10:06 am

Announced in 1911 with plans by architect Albert Storch was the Crystal Theater, a nickelodeon by the Union Amusement Company which opened in 1912 but was a quick casualty closing in 1913. The Crystal was reopened January 1, 1915 with Evelyn Nesbit and Russell Thaw in “The Threads of Destiny” under new management and with an improved auditorium.

Under final owner A.G. Thomas, the theater was accused of using non-union personnel and was spattered with a malodorous chemical on May 22, 1922. Thomas got the message and closed the theater by year’s end. He offered the theater’s 200 seats, organ, piano, Powers 6-A projectors, and everything else for sale on December 31, 1922 ending the venue’s run. It was converted into a retail spot for a wallpaper merchant.