Dreamland Theatre

232 Fifth Avenue,
McKeesport, PA 15132

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Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel on July 28, 2014 at 12:47 pm

The March 3, 1917, issue of The Moving Picture World has an article about the recent sale of the Dreamland Theatre, which mentions a few other theaters in McKeesport and the surrounding area:


“One of the most important transactions that has taken place in amusement circles of McKeesport, Pa., in some time, was closed February 10, when the Dreamland theater was purchased by Frank Panopolis and George Lambru, well-known exhibitors, from A. H. Berg, of the McKeesport Amusement Company. The Dreamland has been closed for the purpose of remodeling by the new owners. It is hoped to have the work completed for reopening by March 1. Mr. Berg, who has achieved much success as an exhibitor for the past seven years, still conducts three up-to-date picture houses, the Altmeyer and Orpheum theaters in McKeesport and the Avenue theater at Duquesne, Pa. The firm of Panopolis and Lambru owns and operates the Lyric theater, a handsome thousand-seat house, at 515 Fifth avenue, McKeesport, of which Mr. Panopolis is manager. He will also manage their latest acquisition, the Dreamland, and having shown the latest and best film productions with much success in the past at the Lyric he plans to set a high standard in every respect.”

A McKeesport vaudeville house called the Dreamland Theatre is mentioned in Variety, The Billboard, and The New York Clipper as early as 1907. It was probably this theater.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel on March 22, 2013 at 2:59 pm

A view of 5th Street west from near Walnut Street appears on page 39 of McKeesport, by Michelle Tryon Wardle-Eggers and John W. Barna (Google Books preview), and it includes the Dreamland Theatre.

Studying the various photos in this book, it’s clear that the Dreamland Theatre was fairly close to the corner of Walnut Street, and not where the modern building from the 1960s is. It was across 5th Avenue from the Ruben Building, which was on the northwest corner of 5th and Walnut. I suspect that the modern addresses don’t quite match up with the historic addresses.

Becca on February 11, 2009 at 2:12 pm

A National City is still operating at the site.