Vue Birmingham

Star City, Unit 29, Watson Road,
Birmingham, B7 5SB

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Tiny DavidSimpson

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Uploaded on: November 23, 2015

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Views: 2,271


Vue Birmingham

June 2001.

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Comments (1)

LouRugani on March 21, 2018 at 9:17 am

A VUE patron died in a freak accident after getting his head stuck in a seat footrest on March 9, 2018. Reportedly the man had dropped his phone in between two seats, bent down to pick it up and the electric seat’s footrest clamped down on his head. His friend called for help. Theatre staff and other patrons struggled to set him free immediately, with staff finally breaking the chair to free the man, who then suffered from cardiac arrest and was taken to Heartlands Hospital where paramedics restarted his heart but the man died on Friday, March 16.

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