Regent Showcase Theater
614 N. La Brea Avenue,
Los Angeles,
614 N. La Brea Avenue,
Los Angeles,
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Please update, on May 26, 2000 Laemmle Theatres took over theatre from Loews Cineplex which cease control on January 13, 2000. That when it was renamed Regent Shoawcase Thatre
The property is being handled by The Location Portal (thelocationportal.com) for film shoots. So, you could try contacting them for information.
Does any body know how long the new cult, excuse me, ‘church’ has a lease on the Showcase for? Or who I might be able to speak to about this?
Reopening as Showcase
Other Showcase cinemas were built in Toronto and Calgary.
1956 photo as the Gordon Theater added via Mark MacDougal. The current Regent Showcase marquee appears to be the same, although updated.
Judging by the age and art deco interior, I would “hope” this is a landmark that can’t be torn down. Then again, this is L.A. I used to go here off and on from 1969 – 1983. Classic old theater. Hope it becomes one again.
That’s good to know. I drive by it often – and the fact that it still stands is reassuring.
CStefanic – I was past the theater this morning, and it’s being used by something called One Church International. At least nobody’s knocked it down, nor suggested it, as far as I know.
February 9th, 1938 and October 11, 1985 grand opening ads in the photo section.
Cineplex Odeon bought out many single-screen theatres in the 1980’s in Canada and named them Showcase.
The listing now states that the Church has moved out of the building. What’s going on with it now?
Here’s a shot of the Gordon, ca January 1975—
The “for sale” sign, that has been posted on the building for a few months, now has a large “sold” notification attached. The sign lists the square footage of land; which raises some obvious concerns.
Sacrilege! They should have this theater in operation!
It is now part of the Artists Resource Center and is called the ARC Theater (http://arctheaterla.com/). It is available to rent for events. They also use it for their church services. The phone number has changed to (818) 761-0661.
I went to this theater many times through out the years of 1944-19447. Lived at 834 N Formosa. On Saturday mornings they had kids movies and gave away during itermission, prices. I also delivered the Los Angeles Hearld Newspaper as a 8 eight old. One day after exiting this theater,at 5:00 PM relized I had for gotten to deliver my papers,at 3:99 that day. When I got home, my Dad and I jumped in his 41 Buick and the papers got delivered. I know live in Corona, CA. When ever I get out that way, I always try to drive by this theater, and remember my youth. I had my first Banana Split(36 cents)next door to the theater. Thanks for the memouirs.
I’m trying to recall this one. I think I went to it a few times in the early/mid-1980s. Was it showing second runs around that time?
This is a great theatre. It was always packed when I attended back in the 90’s.
I was there today taking pictures and talking to someone. Got a tour and I am actually looking into a possible future for this theatre. Amazing space with some beautiful history to it.
If you can believe it the Regent Showcase has wrestling about once a month that is also shown on a local cable TV station.
I heard a rumor that Quentin Tarantino, who saved the Beverly, may have some plans for the Showcase.
Saw two great documentary films last night at the Showcase: The Economics of Happiness and RECONCILIATION: Mandela’s Miracle. Kudos to the Awareness Festival for taking over the Showcase for four consecutive nights until Sunday. WWW.Goldstar.com is offering $3.50 prices to individual screenings and the festival organizer has passes on their website.
I remember going to see the 1936 movie “Come and Get It” at the Showcase, sometime in the 1980s. A great movie and a great audience.
When Cineplex reopened the theatre after the remodel on Oct. 11th. 1985, the first film was “Colonel Redl”.
Hey everyone – I shot a web series in this theater – we used the location for a ghost story.
The theater is in GREAT condition, but we had to make it look old. It was a lot of fun, we got to explore all of it. I have a ton of cool photos too.
Check it out.
Cheak the theater’s website and I think this company is insolventIncluding its theater in Texas
This would be a difficult theatre to operate. Good bookings would be difficult and parking is awful around that area.