Hollowbrook Drive-In

1200 Oregon Road,
Cortlandt, NY 10567

Unfavorite 4 people favorited this theater

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42ndStreetMemories on July 23, 2024 at 6:11 am

Thanks 50s SNIPES…..Visited there several times from late 60s to mid 70’s when family owned a summer house near Lake Oscawana. Great D-I double feature to end the era. Only thing better is to do what a NJ D-I did on their final night in the late 80s…..50’s sci-fi movies.

50sSNIPES on July 22, 2024 at 3:39 pm

Closed on October 24, 1984 with Prince’s “Purple Rain” and the 1971 classic “A Clockwork Orange”.

DavidZornig on February 8, 2021 at 5:06 pm

Hollowbrook Drive-In sign at Anne’s Anteex in Peoria Illinois. Facebook post link with image.


davidcoppock on October 2, 2020 at 11:50 pm

Opened on 26/5/1950 with “Where there’s life” and “Tulsa”. Closed in 1984. Demolished(date unknown?) The site is now housing.

jwmovies on January 28, 2019 at 11:44 pm

A more accurate address for this theater is 1200 Oregon Rd, Cortlandt, NY 10567. Jay Rd just east of this was the entrance road.

Please update.

rsalters (Ron Salters)
rsalters (Ron Salters) on November 6, 2018 at 10:27 am

The Hollowbrook Drive-In was mentioned once again on PBS-TV “Antiques Roadshow” on Mon Nov 5. There was a show poster signed by the folksinger Pete Seeger, who lived in the area. In 1949 there was a folk music concert at the drive-in featuring Pete Seeger and Paul Robeson. Both had reputations for being slightly on the Marxist side of the spectrum, so stones were thrown at them. Apparently, this resulted in a mini-riot, and Seeger wrote a note about it on the poster which he signed. I don’t recall the appraised value of the poster.

TobyS on April 6, 2017 at 4:09 am

Many fond memories of going to this place with Dad. Loved visiting Carvel across the street. Saw Prom Night, The Shining, C.H.U.D., Texas Chainsaw Massacre.. Loved walking around before it started and trying to find the best sounding window speaker. Eventually it turned to radio speaker.

DavidZornig on May 11, 2015 at 6:41 pm

This Hollowbrook Drive-In sign and history were on “Antiques Roadshow” this evening. Copy & paste to view.


buick8 on June 5, 2013 at 6:03 am

Saw the Movie “Frogs” there in 1972. I also remember the “FOGMAN” who used that DDT for pest control. What were they thinking? Also the movie “They came from within”. The long windy road at night was scary for a lad of 9.

TLSLOEWS on July 10, 2010 at 12:47 pm

Thanks Ken and Mike.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on June 8, 2010 at 7:56 pm

Both 700 cars and Bernie Brooks are correct facts.

kencmcintyre on February 6, 2010 at 3:20 pm

Bernie Brooks was the owner of the Hollowbrook in 1958. Here is a 1974 aerial photo:

teamtruett on March 7, 2008 at 5:12 pm

Hey Richard can you send me a pic of that old sign? teamtruett@yahoo.com

Tombug on January 16, 2008 at 7:51 am

I am looking for information about the ORIGINAL Hollowbrook golf course that was in or around the area of the cinema. The course was abandoned, possibly during the Depression years of the 1930’s. If anyone can provide information, photos, possible information sources, etc. about the original golf course I will be grateful.

BrianV on August 30, 2006 at 8:34 am

The first Peekskill concert was at Lakeland Acres Picnic Area directly across from Hillside and Assumption Cemeteries.

The second Peekskill concert was held at the Hollow Brook country club.

I did a lot of playing and exploring in that brook next to the drive-in. Also enjoyed a few trout.

jongleur on August 28, 2006 at 5:33 pm

I also grew up in Peekskill during the 60s, and the drive-in was a regular feature of my weekends. I saw the first half-dozen of the James Bond films on their screens. I learned to fish in the stream that run along one side of the theater, and I can also remember running through the DDT Fog that they used for mosquito control, all three of my children have the normal number of fingers and toes, and otherwise seem normal. Well, sort of normal, at least for teenage human-beings.

I believe that the “Lakeland Acres” referenced in the Robeson incident might have at one time been the semi-private swim club located a half-mile or so southeast of the drive-in. The area looks like it is part of the Golf Club now.

BrianV on August 23, 2006 at 3:36 pm

I lived on old Oregon Rd Walking distance to the drive-in. We didn’t go to Peekskill city schools.

I think we hung some Tories during the revolutionary war also. Who knows what we did to the Indians but I don’t believe the Drive-in was involved.

Peekskill was part of our mailing address, the closest city. I don’t ever remember seeing Peekskill police. But Peekskill had a quaint style indoor theater with a balcony if I remember correctly. And also it’s the birth place of Mel Gibson and maybe that’s where he saw his first movie.

Well it was a nice area to live, I Liked going the drive-in and carvel when in season.

I got a kick watching “No Direction Home” that the totally open Pete Seeger was so outraged over the electric Bob Dylan he wanted to get a axe and kill the power. bvg

HDTVdesignteam on July 21, 2006 at 3:11 pm

I’ve lived down the street from the old theater for some time now. Remember taking my wife there numerous times. One of the last in the area. I watched it torn down and replaced with a housing development. Yes indeed the Carvel is still in business.
Folk singer Pete Seeger was one of those stoned while the local cops watched from a distance. Pete still recalls those days.

RichHamel on December 5, 2005 at 10:16 am

Same here. Yes, there is no sign today of the old drive-in. I was up there recently. There are about twenty houses and a new firehouse on the site. However, the old Carvel is still standing across Oregon Road.

Jeffrey1955 on December 5, 2005 at 9:45 am

I apologize for the vulgarity — I hesitated to do it, but was quoting what the original sources said. And I’m afraid we’ll just have to agree to disagree on this, since I am familiar with the history you present, but my interpretation of it is different than yours. Suffice it to say there has long been a cultural divide in Peekskill, as there has in the rest of the country. My position remains that political disagreements are never a justification for violence — especially violence whose sole goal is to restrict freedom of expression. Whether you agree or disagree with the positions being expressed does not make the attempt to stifle them any less “shameful.” And my opinion is based, not simply on my own view, but on the fact that most people in the Peekskill area have long refused to acknowledge the Hollowbrook incident. At this point, it’s pretty much forgotten, but it was also something few people would talk about years ago. I think we can safely surmise that it was not a part of their history of which most people were proud — which, to me, is synonymous with being “ashamed.” At any rate, the Hollowbrook Drive-In, which was on the site of the picnic grounds, is apparently now being turned into a housing development, and this was merely a footnote to the history of the drive-in. So I think we’ve sufficiently beaten the story into the ground, and I will not bring it up again.

RichHamel on December 5, 2005 at 9:08 am

Jeffrey, you are obviously very ignorant of the area. A thriving black community has been part of Peekskill since before the Civil War. It continues to this day. Harriet Tubman’s underground railroad successfully ran through Peekskill. The church she used still stands. My family maintained a nearby summer residence in 1949. Paul Robeson’s pro-Soviet stand, and not his race, had everything to do with his reputation as an incendiary figure. A standing held not just in Peekskill, but most of the country. Also, please refrain from using vulgarities in future posts. They are quite offensive.

Jeffrey1955 on December 5, 2005 at 2:53 am

R.H., I don’t really want to get into this here, but you’re using contemporary information to discuss historical context. Nobody knew at the time that Stalin’s atrocities ranked “with those of Hitler,” which is in itself a questionable statement. Stalin had been our valued ally just four years previously, and had certainly never attacked the U.S. What informed the local populace at the time had nothing to do with thoughts of nuclear annihilation and everything to do with the anti-union politics of the local newspaper, the Peekskill Star, which inflamed its readership and incited the riot. The fact that mobs gathered announcing they would drive all the “Jews and niggers” out of town is all anybody needs to know about the nature of this event. If this wasn’t “shameful,” nothing is.

RichHamel on December 5, 2005 at 2:19 am

Yes, it was the site. However, before calling the incident shameful, historical context needs to be applied. Robeson was not a regular left-leaning entertainer. He was an avid supporter of Stalin. Stalin’s horrific atrocities rank with those of Hitler. In 1949, Stalin’s soviet agents were able to obtain our nuclear secrets. For the first time in history, the United States faced possible annihilation. New York became a prime target. Having a pro-Soviet entertainer appear in New York in 1949 was about as popular as a pro-Al Qaeda entertainer would have been in 2001.