Kane Family Drive-In

Kane Lantz Corners Road and Detrick Road,
Kane, PA 16735

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Family Drive-In (Official)

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Functions: Movies (First Run)

Previous Names: Ideal Drive-In, Kane Drive-In, Family Drive-In

Phone Numbers: Box Office: 814.837.9760

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Kane Family Drive-In

The Ideal Drive-In was opened in 1952. This single screen drive-in has a capacity for 348 cars. It later became the Family Drive-In.

Contributed by Lost Memory

Recent comments (view all 9 comments)

Patsy on May 5, 2005 at 2:01 am

I was told there was a downtown theatre in Kane. Does anyone know more about this one?

cpcman on June 30, 2005 at 9:23 pm


I actually live above the former Temple Movie Theatre. It is now a roller skating rink. The building was a Masonic lodge(3rd floor) and home to the KoC’s on the 2nd floor. The whole 2nd floor is now apartments.


kencmcintyre on February 6, 2010 at 7:17 pm

There was an Ideal drive-in listed in the 1958 IMPA for Kane, PA. This may have been an AKA if the Family opened in 1952. Owners of the Ideal in 1958 were Farrell & Piccirillo. Capacity was 348.

jwmovies on September 30, 2012 at 8:19 am

Approx. location for this drive-in is U.S. 6 & Detrick Rd, Wetmore, PA.

DriveInWebs on March 7, 2015 at 7:10 pm

Hi everyone. Just a quick update. The Family Drive-In in Kane Pa is under new ownership. It has converted to digital projection and its new website is www.kanefamilydrivein.com . The tripod web will eventually drop off before the beginning of the 2015 season. Thank you.

NYozoner on January 1, 2017 at 11:03 am

In 1962 the drive-in is listed in IMPA as the Family Drive-In with a capacity for 348 cars. Owner is C.S. Brown. From 1953-59 it is listed as Ideal Drive-In with a capacity for 348 cars. From 1960 on forward it is listed as Family Drive-In.

My conclusion is that this opened as the Ideal Drive-In in 1952, and became the Family Drive-In sometime around 1960, along with an ownership change, which was not uncommon.

MichaelKilgore on October 24, 2017 at 3:35 pm

From the Kane’s Our History page:

The Kane Family Drive In (originally called the “Ideal Drive In”) was built in 1952 by Clyde Piccirillo of Ridgway, PA. It was built for Joseph Farrell of St. Mary’s and Harold Prosser of Altoona. Waldemar Anderson, of Mt. Jewett, operated the Drive In until 1957, when it was sold to Clifford Brown and F.R. Holmes Poster Advertising Co. of Kane. At this time, it became known as the “Family Drive-In”. The theater was run by Lyle and R. Wayne Holmes. All buildings are original. One unique feature of the Kane Family Drive In is the 60 foot cement block screen, which is four stories tall and open on the inside.

In 1969, Fred Holmes became the projectionist for the theater. In 1983, Fred purchased the drive-in and continued to run it, along with his wife Mary and their daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren until 2014. The Drive In was Kane’s Business of the Year in 2011. In 2013, the Holmes family upgraded to a digital, high-definition projector, which has made movie viewing an even more exceptional experience. We feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to carry on Fred and Mary’s tradition of family entertainment. We hope that you will enjoy your time spent at this historic theater.

Note: That “we” belongs to Lowell and Jackie Watts, the current owners.

MichaelKilgore on October 24, 2017 at 5:32 pm

The March 5, 1954 edition of the Kane Republican had a short story about the sale of the Ideal to the W. E. Anderson Theatre Circuit, which had been operating theatres for 22 years in PA and NY.

The new owners announced that before the 1954 season started, “A new concession will be added, a modern playground, rides of all types, a new sign, (and) moonlight lighting.” Makes you wonder what the place looked like when it opened!

The April 14 edition, announcing the season opener, said that “Wally” Anderson had purchased the drive-in “last fall” and was renaming it the Family Drive-In. So the drive-in’s Our History page is wrong about how long it stayed Ideal.

MichaelKilgore on October 24, 2017 at 5:46 pm

The July 3, 1957 Kane Republican said that “Wally Anderson” completed the sale of the Family to Clifford Brown and the Holmes Poster Advertising Company “this morning”. That company included R. Wayne Holmes, Lyle Holmes, Mrs. Olive Holmes, and Mrs. Avis Holmes Carlson.

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