New Penn Theatre

N. 24th Street and Brown Street,
Philadelphia, PA 19130

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dallasmovietheaters on February 22, 2022 at 6:03 am

David Shapiro of the New Penn Theatre at 800-802 North 24th Street gave the theatre a streamlined moderne makeover in 1936 by Paramount Decorating. He then sold the venue to Martin A. Ellis Circuit in September of 1941 who ran it to closure on July 11, 1954 with “South Seas” and “Elephant Walk.” Ellis sold the building for $25,000 becoming the long-running home of St. Hedwig’s Church until 1999. The venue was then razed for a townhouse complex.

TheALAN on July 6, 2014 at 11:07 pm

Who was the architect and in what style was this theater designed? Although new housing now occupies the site, what occupied the site for the 50+ years that followed the demolition of the theater?