Comments from TomTerrific

Showing 4 comments

TomTerrific commented about Royal Twin Theatre on Apr 30, 2010 at 1:52 am

I went by today, but unfortunately the Royal was locked. I went across the street to the Chamber of Commerce and asked about it. They said the original owner’s son now owns and runs it.
Looks well kept up, but does need a marquee. There is another old theatre about three blocks west of there that is now office space. Perhaps it could send it’s marquee to the east side of town.

TomTerrific commented about McClain Theatre on Apr 30, 2010 at 1:46 am

Went in it today; It is the office of the Purcell Register. They allowed to to have a look inside. It bears no resemblance to a theatre at all from the interior. The owner said it has been a newspaper office for about 65 years.
There is still a stairway to the projection room, and what appears to be a film vault near the old stage area.
The exterior is Spanish style. Buildings on each side of it have the same theme.

TomTerrific commented about Canadian Theatre on Apr 30, 2010 at 1:30 am

Went in it today; Big place. Still has part of the original curtains (took pics) Interesting color scheme. Kind of a rose color with triangles depicting arrowheads. Also found another, older theater down the street.

TomTerrific commented about Folly Theatre on Mar 24, 2010 at 11:18 am

Had opportunity to enter the old theater today. Fly in bad disrepair. Floor has been leveled, though it still has a slight slope. They have had a dance studio in the building most recently. The building is for rent.