Comments from Squie

Showing 3 comments

Squie commented about Orpheum Theatre on Feb 21, 2004 at 7:54 am

The Morosco, later named the Globe Theatre also has two balconies…trust me…I have been on them!!!! :-X

Squie commented about Pomona Fox Theater on Feb 21, 2004 at 7:29 am

I don’t necessarily believe that it is greedy to have venues in theatres, but I would love to see the older theatres renovated and restored to their former glory because back in the early 1900’s, architects went all out on design, and we just don’t have that type of detailed beauty in out buildings. The raves never turned violent either…a few low-lives that dwell in Ghetto Pomona decided to attend the venue at the Fox Theatre to pick on and start trouble with ravers, and that’s how the violence erupted, thus provoking the victims to defend themselves.

Squie commented about Globe Theatre on Feb 21, 2004 at 7:11 am

Even though the Globe Theatre is closed, it is still very much alive at the Club Orion, I wish I could have seen it a long time ago, but anyway if anyone knows of any pictures of the inside of the Globe or knows who to go to to get some pictures, please email me at !! I really am interested in the history of this building so hopefully I find out some more cool stuff about it. Thanx!! :–) U GO BUDDY BLEU!! UR AWESOME!