Photos from solomonsporchroxy

Showing 13 photos
  • ["Roxy "]
  • ["Pioneer Northwest Photographer Asahel Curtis Giant Photo Mural of Bremerton, The Navy Yard with the White "]
  • ["Asahel Curtis Giant Photo Mural of Bremerton, The Navy Yard with the White "]
  • ["Asahel Curtis Giant Photo Mural of Bremerton, The Navy Yard with the White "]
  • ["Deco Light @ another angle"]
  • ["Deco Light"]
  • ["Calvary Chapel Bremerton"]
  • ["Then and Now"]
  • ["Roxy from Above"]
  • ["Roxy Stage"]
  • ["Roxy Dome"]
  • ["Pastor Chuck Dedicates the Roxy"]
  • ["Early Roxy"]