Comments from Rhodetheater

Showing 6 comments

Rhodetheater on Mar 25, 2006 at 12:49 pm

First of all, I stand corrected. I realize now that I should have been more specific in my first statement. My first statement should have said that we have had little support from the mayor and the community of Kenosha in the last few years. I would like to clarify that when I say support, I do not only mean money. I also mean support from the community in the form of attendance. I know that the city has given us block grants in the past. The problem lies in the fact that the support from the community has dwindled considerably over the past few years.

We are an all-volunteer organization. Our members volunteer over 10,000 hours of their time a year. Our members also contribute financially to the organization. We are not asking anyone to do anything that we do not already do ourselves. All we ask is that the community attend our productions, visit our art galleries and take an interest in our building. This is what we mean by community support. We also ask that the city make a long-term commitment to the restoration of this building. We have had crucial support from some key sources in town, and we are VERY grateful for this support. This is not an organization that is looking for handouts. We are people who work full time jobs and come to the theater on our nights and weekends off to volunteer our time because we LOVE doing it. We are passionate about this theater.

Rhodetheater on Mar 24, 2006 at 2:35 pm

I don’t see why this message board has taken the negative turn that it has. It’s extremely disappointing. I was looking for some ideas for grants. I got one person who gave me some really good info and the rest has turned out to be a bunch of bashing based on personal vendettas and agendas.

Lawford theater: I have already forwarded your proposal to others in the organization. If you would like to send a more formal proposal with references (contacts, phone numbers, and addresses of other theater projects etc.) Please send and I will hand it out at the next board meeting. As it stands, the proposal you have given me raises more questions than answers. I still do not even know your last name. We will simply need more info from you, and honestly your proposal with a time limit of only 48 hours put us all off on the idea. We really do not feel an ethical business person would impose this sort of deadline with so little info for us to make a decision. We also feel that making this sort of offer without even seeing the building, offering to meet us in person or offering to give us references is a little suspect. I also do not appreciate the comments you have been making on this message board. We are not looking for a handout. We have invested a lot of our own time and money into this building because we are passionate about it. Maybe the Roosevelt Theater is a better place for you to start in Kenosha.

Lou Rugani: I am not your enemy. I came to this website looking for help. I know that you were a large part of this theater in the past, but you are really not aware of what has been going on over the last few years. I did some checking and was actually very thrilled to hear that you are the one that kept this theater from being turned into adult movie house. From what I have heard you are responsible for picketing that stopped these people from destroying out beautiful lobby. Kudos. I think that’s fantastic!

Here is the problem: Those who have looked at this message board will probably have a bad opinion of us now because of your comments, and that is very unfortunate. We both have the same goal in mind. We want the Rhode to continue. Why the bitterness? Please stop this. You are bashing me at every turn, and I have dedicated countless hours writing grants for this theater. You think you know everything, but you don’t. I could fill you in on where you are mistaken, but I really don’t think it will make any difference to you. Your mind is made up, and you really don’t care what I have to say. I KNOW what our situation is. You left this organization years ago, and you left on very BAD terms. You have a grudge against us, but you don’t even know who I am. Do you know me personally?

Now what happens? We all lose because this message board has turned out to be a total disaster. Thanks Lou. I ask for help and a citizen from MY OWN TOWN, who loves historic theaters, helps put another nail in our coffin. Pretty ironic. I don’t know why I bother.

Rhodetheater on Mar 24, 2006 at 2:32 pm

I don’t see why this message board has taken the negative turn that it has. It’s extremely disappointing. I was looking for some ideas for grants. I got one person who gave me some really good info and the rest has turned out to be a bunch of bashing based on personal vendettas and agendas.

Lawford theater: I have already forwarded your proposal to others in the organization. If you would like to send a more formal proposal with references (contacts, phone numbers, and addresses of other theater projects etc.) Please send and I will hand it out at the next board meeting. As it stands, the proposal you have given me raises more questions than answers. I still do not even know your last name. We will simply need more info from you, and honestly your proposal with a time limit of only 48 hours put us all off on the idea. We really do not feel an ethical business person would impose this sort of deadline with so little info for us to make a decision. We also feel that making this sort of offer without even seeing the building, offering to meet us in person or offering to give us references is a little suspect. I also do not appreciate the comments you have been making on this message board. We are not looking for a handout. We have invested a lot of our own time and money into this building because we are passionate about it. Maybe the Roosevelt Theater is a better place for you to start in Kenosha.

Lou Rugani: I am not your enemy. I came to this website looking for help. I know that you were a large part of this theater in the past, but you are really not aware of what has been going on over the last few years. I did some checking and was actually very thrilled to hear that you are the one that kept this theater from being turned into adult movie house. From what I have heard you are responsible for picketing that stopped these people from destroying out beautiful lobby. Kudos. I think that’s fantastic!

Here is the problem: Those who have looked at this message board will probably have a bad opinion of us now because of your comments, and that is very unfortunate. We both have the same goal in mind. We want the Rhode to continue. Why the bitterness? Please stop this. You are bashing me at every turn, and I have dedicated countless hours writing grants for this theater. You think you know everything, but you don’t. I could fill you in on where you are mistaken, but I really don’t think it will make any difference to you. Your mind is made up, and you really don’t care what I have to say. I KNOW what our situation is. You left this organization years ago, and you left on very BAD terms. You have a grudge against us, but you don’t even know who I am. Do you know me personally?

Now what happens? We all lose because this message board has turned out to be a total disaster. Thanks Lou. I ask for help and a citizen from MY OWN TOWN, who loves historic theaters, helps put another nail in our coffin. Pretty ironic. I don’t know why I bother.

Rhodetheater on Mar 18, 2006 at 6:39 am

I am on the board of directors and started writing grants for the theater this year. I have been involved with lakeside players since 1994. I currently have access to all of our financial info. I can assure you the city has not given us anything for a very long time. The new furnaces you are talking about are 12 years old and were orginally installed as a band-aid until we could afford to replace them. They are ill equipped to heat a theater of this size, it takes 2 days to heat up the building for an event and it is still freezing. Our utility bills are $2200 a month because the furnaces are terribly inefficient.

We have not received donations from Jockey for many, many years. I don’t even know the last time we received a block grant. All of the things you are talking about happened 10 years ago.

The mayor is aware of our plight and does not want to see us go, but he has told us he is dedicated to raising millions for the civil war museum. He will be getting back to us about possibly finding some relief, but we have yet to hear anything. I know who you are Lou Rugani and I have no problem with you. I have seen your posts on this site and have wondered why you haven’t mentioned us. If you have constructive criticism let me hear it, but don’t tell me what our current situation is. Your info about the Rhode Theater is about 10 years out of date.

Rhodetheater on Mar 15, 2006 at 6:57 pm

Thankyou for your response. Can you tell me how you would make money on this venture? We estimate that it will take 3 million to renovate. Would you make it a movie theater? Don’t get me wrong, I am thankful that you are interested, but I guess I am wondering how this would be profitable to you. Do you have a business model? Anything you tell me would be helpful, and would be ideas I could present at our next board meeting.


Rhodetheater commented about Movie Theatres Wanted on Mar 11, 2006 at 6:43 pm

Before you look into the Roosevelt, there is another theater in Kenosha you may want to look at. The Rhode, designed by George Rapp. Our building is open and functional, unlike most theaters of this era. Our problem is that our auditorium was divided into two sections. We have been told that we cannot qualify as a historical landmark because of this. Our grand lobby is spectacular with the original chandeliers, mosaic tiles and benches depicting scenes from Don Quixote. The building needs help with the roof and water damage to basement and the auditorium needs to be renovated. It is currently owned by a non-profit who can no longer afford to keep it going. I am on the board of directors for this theater and we need help now. We may have to sell and are very worried about developers snatching it up and demolishing. It is located downtown, which is coming back in a big way. New condos, restaurants and wine bars are on the same block. If you are not interested in helping, please recommend grant options. We are desperate to keep it going, but have not had much community support.
check it out, and if anyone has ideas for us please write!