Comments from NicoleR

Showing 2 comments

NicoleR commented about St. Andrews Cinema 3 on Aug 5, 2006 at 3:14 pm

I have visited St. Andrews often, especially with my young children. We go there for the price and the small town feel. There are always very friendly people staffed there. The price just went up form $2 to $3 a few months ago. The only bad thing is, is that it is old and a little run down. Some times it smells, but for the price you pay per ticket you just have to stick the popcorn bag a little closer to your nose and you’ll be alright. Highley recommend the theater, especially if you live in the area.

NicoleR commented about St. Andrews Cinema 3 on Aug 5, 2006 at 3:14 pm

I have visited St. Andrews often, especially with my young children. We go there for the price and the small town feel. There are always very friendly people staffed there. The price just went up form $2 to $3 a few months ago. The only bad thing is, is that it is old and a little run down. Some times it smells, but for the price you pay per ticket you just have to stick the popcorn bag a little closer to your nose and you’ll be alright. Highley recommend the theater, especially if you live in the area.