Comments from nhu

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nhu commented about "The African Queen" finally comes to DVD! on Mar 3, 2010 at 11:11 am

The “Magnificent Ambersons” is always on Warner Brothers “next year” release list. It is due on DVD in 2010 but I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for it.

There is also a long involved story about “lost footage” from this film. Since the “lost footage” was by all accounts intentionally destroyed by RKO 60 years ago, I doubt that it has turned up in someone’s attic and will be part of the eventual DVD release. The real problem si that sales of classic movies on DVD have dropped and movies like Ambersons just have to wait until Warner has the money and resources to do a good restoration.

nhu commented about Theater rental in Brooklyn, NY on Dec 7, 2009 at 10:07 am

Try the local colleges. Brooklyn College, LIU, St. Francis College, etc. They may be more willing to rent out the kind of space you need. Same for local churches and synagogues.

nhu commented about Few community theaters left operating in Maine, New Hampshire on Dec 7, 2009 at 9:56 am

“Even so, as some local theaters fall, others are holding on or even being born — operating as nonprofits…..”

As mentioned in this article going the non-profit route seems to be a growing trend for local, mostly single-screen, movie theaters. How does that work? I know the laws regarding non-profits vary from state to state. How does becoming a non-profit allow a movie theater to stay in business? They still have big bills to pay.

nhu commented about AMC and Regal ban outside food from theaters on Dec 6, 2009 at 12:09 pm

Hey JDC, how do REALLY feel about today’s movie theater patrons? Don’t hold back.

nhu commented about Grand holiday show & traditional free evening! on Dec 6, 2009 at 11:30 am

The Grand sounds like an interesting theater. I just hope they are profitable in today’s difficult environment. I too wish them success and a very Merry Christmas season!

nhu commented about Kings Theatre on Nov 22, 2009 at 1:02 pm

“Since I am "CEO” of ‘Save The Kings’ for the past 21 years,……."

So Bruce1, what’s the latest news? Not much I guess. Looks like Marty Marowitz can’t save this one. The building is too far gone, the neighborhood is downscale at best. But I give him credit for being as positive about the Kings for as long as he has been.

At this point it looks like no developer has ever responded to any of the various RFPs. There was never any mention anywhere in the press of any developer or organization showing real interest in the theater. Basically closed since 1977, the building is getting closer to the point where it is unsafe. Now what????????????????

nhu commented about Kings Theatre on May 22, 2009 at 4:27 pm


This is old news. AFAIK no one replied to the RFP that went out in 2008. The EDC is notoriously slow and obstrctionist. The 2 new SI Ferry terminals still have few retail tenants because of the EDC’s incompetence and dawdling. And these are 2 brand new buildings that thousands of middle-class commuters pass through every day.

The NYCEDC is in way over it’s head if it thinks it can do anything with a crumbling, closed for 35 years movie theater on a still-rough section of Flatbush Avenue. Who would really want to buy this theater anyway?

nhu commented about Bleecker Street Cinemas on Aug 23, 2008 at 7:29 pm

Are there any “revival” theaters left in Manhattan or anywhere else in NYC?

nhu commented about Kings Theatre on Aug 18, 2008 at 2:23 pm

My question is why does Markowitz seem to run hot and cold on this?

No one can fault Marty Markowitz on this. The obstacles may be too many. The neighborhood is still the problem. It may be safer than in the 1980s but has a low-rent look to it. Ditmas Park people haven’t shopped on Flatbush Avenue for over 30 years. Even a Brooklyn booster like Marty can’t devote 100% of his time and energy to this one project.

nhu commented about Kings Theatre on Aug 8, 2008 at 2:05 pm

Has Marty Markowitz said anything about the Loew’s lately? He really ran with this project but has been very quiet about it lately. Any Brooklyn political insiders here with real info on the project?

nhu commented about Kings Theatre on Aug 3, 2008 at 8:58 am

It’s now 2 months since the RFP deadline. I’ve seen nothing in the papers or online about the Loew’s Kings. If we don’t hear anything by the end of September then this project has to be considered as not viable. The theater is in such poor shape that it might not make any economic sense to rehabilitate it. Sadly I can see where it may have to be torn down within the next few years for safety reasons. It’s been barely maintained for over 30 years.

nhu commented about Kings Theatre on Dec 16, 2007 at 5:47 pm

I hate to be cynical but maybe at this point the city wants the Kings to become structurally unsound thus requiring demolition. If they wanted to fix the roof it would have been done years ago. It’s expensive but not prohibitive. The lack of interest shown by developers is a bad sign. The Loew’s Kings is sliding off of everyones radar. Markowitz tried but he’s only one person. The NYCEDC has never been know for it’s ability to get much done.

With the Kings gone the block could be redeveloped with modern buildings on the tax rolls. Cynical but not an impossible scenario.

nhu commented about Need a theater in New on Jan 28, 2007 at 9:22 am

Don’t know if you are interested in a NYC theater, but this one on Staten Island is for sale. Be forewarned, it has been for sale since at least 2002. The building is also landmarked which may restrict it’s use as a theater.

From the realtors web site:

168 New Dorp Lane, Staten Island, NY (The south side of New Dorp Lane between 8th & 9th Streets)

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The Lane Theater: formerly a historic 550 seat movie theater. The Lane offers 1,000 square feet of 1 story prime New Dorp Lane retail space. The space then opens up into 6,000 square feet of 3 story high open space, offering many possibilities for development/use. Located on one of the island’s premier commercial strips. Walking distance from the New Dorp train station & municipal parking. Marquee & ceiling land marked by the Landmarks Preservation Commission. Property will be delivered vacant. Asking Price: $1,800,000 Representative/s: Paul Rich

nhu commented about Theaters Wanted on Oct 9, 2006 at 10:15 am

Don’t know if you are interested in a NYC theater, but this one on Staten Island is for sale. Be forewarned, it has been for sale for years. The building is also landmarked which may restrict it’s use as a theater.

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nhu commented about Reminder: Keep comments on topic! on Sep 5, 2006 at 1:34 pm

I’m sure Chalet Theaters is an established company. But I’m also mystified by the fact that when you google your company 3 of the 4 entries refer back to this website.

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We get a few more entries when googling ‘sctheaters’, but still 4 0f 6 refer back to this website.

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I guess you are a new firm in the theater business. What state do you operate out of?